557 Children Freed from Cobalt Mines in Haut-Katanga Reintegrated into Society 1Mining in DRC Artisanal mining Cobalt 

557 Children Freed from Cobalt Mines in Haut-Katanga Reintegrated into Society

A total of 557 children previously working in the cobalt mines at the Pumpe quarry in Kambove, Haut-Katanga province, have been successfully reintegrated into society.

Joseph N’sambi Bulanda, the provincial Minister of Health and president of the monitoring committee for the PABEA cobalt project in Haut-Katanga, shared that non-formal education is also being integrated into this initiative.

“We are collaborating with the village chief to make this happen,” he stated during his visit to the reintegration center in Kyembe village.

The children have been placed at the Mwera 1 Institute, located 78 km from Lubumbashi. The provincial minister expressed his satisfaction with the progress, noting that the classes are now full, which has prompted plans to build additional school infrastructure to ensure the children can study under proper conditions.


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