DRC: Congo is not for sale recalls the state losing more than $2 Billion USD to assets enjoyed by Dan Gertler 1Mining in DRC Mining Policy 

DRC: Congo is not for sale recalls the state losing more than $2 Billion USD to assets enjoyed by Dan Gertler

The Congo is not for sale campaign recalls that Dan Gertler continues to benefit from other important assets, notably in the mining sector of the DRC, which have already caused the Congolese state to lose more than $ 2 billion and which continue to generate him more than $ 200,000 a day despite the American sanctions for corruption. 

This media release of these civil society actors comes after the announcement of the Congolese authorities of the expiry of the research permits for blocks 1 and 2 of the Graben Albertine, which had been granted in 2011 “in an opaque manner” to companies. affiliated with Dan Gertler. 

The Congo is not for sale campaign therefore recommends that the Congolese government take similar decisions “to stop these revenue losses in the mining sector and thus obtain the means of its policy in favor of the Congolese people”. 

Recall that Didier Budimbu, Congolese Minister of Hydrocarbons, in a correspondence dated June 16, announced that the permits to operate oil zones granted in 2010 to two companies linked to Dan Gertler for blocks 1 and 2 have expired. 

This important oil field is located on the Congolese part of Lake Albert, near the border with Uganda.

These areas contain, according to expert estimates, more than a billion barrels of oil. The decision of the Congolese authorities comes when production has not yet started.


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