Mining Cadastre Register currently has 1,901 Exploration Permits, 223 forfeited for non-payment of rights-DRC 1Mining in DRC Mining Companies 

Mining Cadastre Register currently has 1,901 Exploration Permits, 223 forfeited for non-payment of rights-DRC

During the meeting of the Council of Ministers last Friday, Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi, Minister of Mines, reported that the Mining Cadastre Register counts, as of September 21, 2021, a total of 1,901 Exploration Permits, of which 223 have expired. for non-payment of surface rights (fiscal year 2021), 156 forfeited and 774 active research permits.

She recalled that any exploration permit confers on its holder the right to carry out exclusively research work and not exploitation work, within its perimeter. Moreover, the holder is required to pay the annual surface rights; to present and obtain the approval of the Environmental Mitigation and Rehabilitation Plan before any start of the research work as well as start the research work within a period of one year from the issuance of the title. This is still not applicable in many mining areas.

The Minister also announced the start of the Mining Cadastre Audit “within a reasonable time”. The objective is strict compliance with the mining legislation in force by both mining operators and State agents and officials.

Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi, announces the suspension of activities for certain mining companies. Control missions are also deployed.


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