Mining exploitation licences in Kasai at the center of discussion between the Deputy Minister of Mines and the National Deputy 1Mining in DRC Governance 

Mining exploitation licences in Kasai at the center of discussion between the Deputy Minister of Mines and the National Deputy

The Deputy Minister of Mines, Godard Motemona received, on Wednesday January 26, 2022 in his office, the national deputy Guy Mafuta Kabongo, the elected representative of Tshikapa and agent in mines and quarries.

The latter came to express his concern about the freezing of mining rights by certain holders of said rights, this situation creates permanent conflicts with the local populations, prevented from engaging in agricultural and mining activities.

In the meantime, other holders of mining rights impose contracts on farmers obliging them to share their own agricultural production unfairly.

In this regard, the MP requested from the Deputy Minister of Mines the creation of artisanal mining zones to enable young people to exploit and benefit from the minerals of their province on the one hand and, on the other hand , efficient use of land acquired as mining rights.

In reaction to the concerns of MP Guy Mafuta, Deputy Minister of Mines Godard motemona was receptive and announced to his host that a commission is already at work to examine cases of recourse for forfeited rights and has wished that a list of the permits concerned for Tshikapa be communicated to the Ministry for examination on a case-by-case basis and all in compliance with the mining code. 

Moreover, satisfied with the response of the Deputy Minister of Mines, the national deputy Guy Mafuta said he was reassured and firmly believes that solutions will be found shortly. 


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