Policeman among gold thieves : Mozambique 1Gold International 

Policeman among gold thieves : Mozambique

Four people, one of them a member of the Mozambican police force were detained on Monday, in the central province of Manica, accused of stealing two kilos of gold and 750,000 meticais (about 11,800 US dollars) in cash.

The theft occurred on Saturday on the premises of a gold mining company. There were five alleged thieves: two informal gold miners, a supervisor of the mining company, and two policemen, one from the Rapid Intervention Unit (UIR – the Mozambican riot police), and one from the Frontier Guard. The latter evaded arrest, and is currently a fugitive.

The Manica provincial police spokesperson, Mateus Mindu, confirmed the theft and the arrests. Speaking to AIM in the provincial capital, Chimoio, he said that efforts are under way to capture the fifth member of the group.

“Four of them have fallen into the hands of the police. The member of the Frontier Guard is a fugitive, but attempts are under way to neutralize him”, said Mindu. “We have clues. They were wearing police uniforms, and carried a firearm”.

The four members of the group arrested “were picked up on Monday thanks to intelligence work undertaken by the police after receiving a denunciation”.

Mindu said the police involved in the theft would face both disciplinary and criminal proceedings. “They will all be taken to court to be held responsible for this crime”, he added.


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