DRC's Business Climate Showing Signs of Positive Growth 1Mining in DRC Economy 

DRC’s Business Climate Showing Signs of Positive Growth

The Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi, chaired, this Tuesday, June 6 at the City of the African Union, the ceremony to present the results of the first survey of the National Business Climate Barometer (BNCA). 

This report shows that the business climate in the DRC is improving. At this stage, the BNCA gives him a satisfaction score of 37%. This survey, which took place from January 24 to March 27, 2023, covered 403 companies in 13 sectors of the national economy.

The Head of State hailed the quality of the work carried out by the BNCA. “This work lays bare the scourges that plague and eat away at our economic environment,” said President Félix Tshisekedi. He recalled that “all public officials, political and administrative, at whatever level their action takes place, must be aware that they are agents of the business climate”. 

The Head of State urged everyone to “play their part for a clean and attractive business environment in favor of foreign partners”.

As recommendations, the BNCA asks in particular to carry out reforms on taxation and parafiscality, legal and judicial security, the political environment, the management of public contracts, the quality of the administration as well as that of the infrastructures. 

This synthetic report has had the merit of presenting the opinions of business leaders on the evolution of the business climate, of highlighting the factors that have most influenced the business environment and finally of formulating recommendations that could lead to drawing up a roadmap of appropriate reforms.

The BNCA, beyond a tool for the overall assessment of the economic ecosystem in the DRC, also wants to be an interface between the President of the Republic and the business world as well as a lever of action for questions and initiatives relating to the improvement of the business climate.


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