The Carter Center Launches Climate & Environmental Justice Initiative in the DRC 1Mining in DRC Energy 

The Carter Center Launches Climate & Environmental Justice Initiative in the DRC

The Carter Center announced on June 10, 2024, the launch of the Climate & Environmental Justice Initiative in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

This initiative aims to ensure a just transition, acknowledging that the DRC’s mineral wealth is crucial for building a low-carbon and resilient world.

It also seeks to ensure that the Congolese people fully share in the prosperity and promise of this emerging climate economy, according to a press release.

Since its inception in 2007, the Carter Center’s Extractive Industries Governance Program has focused on protecting human rights and promoting transparency and accountability to ensure that extractive resources contribute to the sustainable development of the Congolese population.

With the global goal of ensuring clean and affordable energy, the DRC is becoming a key player in meeting international demand for resources.

The new initiative emphasizes promoting climate and environmental justice, focusing on the rights of Congolese populations and their better adaptation to climate change.

“The Carter Center’s Climate and Environmental Justice Initiative will work to ensure that the Congolese people are not left behind.

We advocate for the equitable sharing of the prosperity and wealth generated by the exploitation of the country’s strategic minerals.

We also want to ensure that Congolese populations are well-equipped and better prepared to adapt to the current and future impacts of climate change,” said Fabien Mayani, head of the Carter Center’s Human Rights & Just Transition Program in the DRC.

The initiative aims to collaborate with all stakeholders on this complex climate justice issue. It will independently offer technical advice to the Congolese government for the implementation of effective policies to protect human rights, create local value chains, maximize income generated by transition minerals, and allocate these resources to productive sectors and the general interest. Additionally, it will focus on better adaptation strategies for Congolese populations to cope with climate change.

The initiative calls on the private sector and international actors to adopt responsible and equitable practices in the supply chains of extractive resources to better prevent and mitigate their impacts on climate change in the DRC.

It also proposes to amplify support for monitoring and advocacy campaigns by independent civil society actors at national, regional, and international levels, and to represent the interests of the Congolese populations in initiatives addressing climate justice and environmental issues.



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