DRC: Former Kasai Governor Accused of Diamond Smuggling 1Mining in DRC Diamond 

DRC: Former Kasai Governor Accused of Diamond Smuggling

Former Kasai Governor Dieudonné Pieme Tutkot is embroiled in a mining smuggling scandal, facing accusations of illicit diamond trafficking, as reported by MINES.CD from a reliable source.

The former provincial executive allegedly engaged in this illegal mineral exploitation for several years. Reports indicate he purchased a dredge using taxpayer funds, stored in a safe.

“We worked for several months without knowing the number of diamonds involved. The ex-governor’s associate, with whom we collaborate, has a safe. It was only at the end of his term that he opened it to retrieve the diamonds,” the source disclosed, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Additionally, sources within the provincial administration confirm that investigations are underway to establish the former governor’s responsibilities. Current Chief Executive Crispin Mukendi has reportedly prohibited any actions involving his predecessor until the situation is resolved.

Political authorities are often implicated in smuggling practices, leveraging their positions and influence for personal gain.


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