DRC Urged to Reclaim Mineral Wealth and Prioritize National Interests 1Mining in DRC 

DRC Urged to Reclaim Mineral Wealth and Prioritize National Interests

With the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at the center of global demand for critical minerals, many experts argue that the wealth generated by these resources must primarily benefit the Congolese people.

This view was echoed by Franck Fwamba, a mining sector analyst, during the opening of the second DRC Africa Battery Matters Forum on September 17.

Fwamba emphasized the need for the DRC to re-evaluate its relationships with foreign powers and regain control of its national wealth.

He noted that countries like the United States, European Union, Australia, and China prioritize critical minerals based on their own geopolitical interests.

However, the DRC must avoid being swayed by promises that electric batteries made from its minerals will automatically benefit its population.

“Today, the Congolese need energy to power homes and industries, not just batteries for foreign electric vehicles,” Fwamba stated. He urged the DRC to take control of its mineral value chain to ensure these resources directly benefit the country.

Fwamba’s stance aligns with the DRC’s ongoing struggle for sovereignty. He stressed that the country must diversify its international partnerships to break free from dependency on a few foreign powers, and to secure its place in the global economy.

The DRC has the potential to become a leader in electric battery production, but this must serve the country’s interests, particularly by creating jobs and building infrastructure.

Fwamba also highlighted the importance of national security, condemning foreign powers that support aggressors against the DRC.

At this critical juncture, Fwamba and other observers believe that if the DRC takes control of its resources and diversifies partnerships, it will not only benefit from its mineral wealth but also position itself as a key player in the global green economy.


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