Aimé Molendo Sakombi Vows to Transform DRC Hydrocarbons Sector into Economic Powerhouse 1Mining in DRC Governance 

Aimé Molendo Sakombi Vows to Transform DRC Hydrocarbons Sector into Economic Powerhouse

Aimé Molendo Sakombi, the newly appointed Minister of Hydrocarbons, has committed to transforming the hydrocarbons sector into a key driver of economic growth and development in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

His appointment and subsequent remarks were made on Thursday, June 13, 2024, during the official handover ceremony.

Transitioning from his previous role as Minister of Land Affairs, Sakombi brings a wealth of experience and a reputation for reform.

He aims to implement bold reforms to enhance transparency, efficiency, and attractiveness in the hydrocarbons sector, which is pivotal for the DRC.

Sakombi acknowledges the numerous challenges within the sector and plans to undertake significant actions to revitalize it, focusing on developing the DRC’s abundant fossil resources.

“The hydrocarbons sector is at a critical juncture. The DRC has substantial potential in fossil resources. We must develop these resources through well-designed production sharing contracts and concessions that consider environmental constraints in protected areas.

The DRC must become a major player in oil production. I aim to make the hydrocarbons sector a powerhouse for the DRC’s economic growth and development,” he stated during his inauguration speech, alongside his predecessor Didier Budimbu, who has been transferred to the Ministry of Sports and Recreation.

A key aspect of Sakombi’s strategy is environmental protection and the promotion of sustainable development. He emphasizes that hydrocarbon exploitation must adhere to environmental standards and avoid negative impacts on local communities.

“To realize this grand vision, and given the vast potential of our hydrocarbon resources, a paradigm shift is necessary. I will ensure strict compliance with the laws governing hydrocarbons, enhancing enforcement measures, simplifying administrative procedures, and promoting good governance,” he asserted.

To achieve these goals, Sakombi plans to bolster the ministry with qualified personnel and improve working conditions. He emphasizes the need for continuous capacity building for the staff of the General Secretariat of Hydrocarbons and other technical support services.

Sakombi also called on ministry staff to maintain discipline, collaboration, integrity, and dedication, and to actively combat corruption.

Before assuming his new role, Sakombi completed a handover with Acacia Bandubola, his successor at the Ministry of Land Affairs. Over his five-year tenure, he left a significant mark by revolutionizing the land sector through digitization and enacting new laws on property, land, and real estate regimes.

His reforms greatly enhanced the land administration’s performance in public revenue mobilization, leaving a notable legacy of improvement.

With these ambitious plans, Aimé Molendo Sakombi aims to reshape the DRC’s hydrocarbons sector, driving economic growth while ensuring environmental sustainability and good governance.


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