Antoinette N'samba to raise awareness on compliance with the mining code and regulations- DRC 1Mining in DRC Mining Policy 

Antoinette N’samba to raise awareness on compliance with the mining code and regulations- DRC

The Minister of Mines, Antoinette N’samba Kalambayi, arrived this Monday, September 6, 2021 in Lubumbashi, capital of Haut-Katanga to educate the different layers of the population on compliance with the Congolese mining code and regulations.

For seven days, the objective will be to fight against the illegal exploitation of minerals and to make everyone understand that the mining code and regulations must be respected at all costs so that the country’s wealth benefits the Congolese State and the different investors.

“We are in the process of roaming around the issue of illegal exploitation of minerals, explaining to artisanal and semi – industrial operators that they have only one weapon: the Mining Code and regulations, its application will allow operators and the state find themselves financially, “said Antoinette N’samba Kalambayi.

As part of this visit, the Minister will visit companies and mining sites in Lubumbashi, Likasi and Lualaba.


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