ARSP Announces 11 New Tenders for Mutanda Mining in DRC 1Mining in DRC Contracts & tenders Mining Supply Tenders 

ARSP Announces 11 New Tenders for Mutanda Mining in DRC

Mutanda Mining, a subsidiary of Glencore DRC, has launched 11 calls for tenders in the fields of services and construction for Congolese subcontractors. This announcement was made by the regulatory authority for subcontracting in the private sector (ARSP).

On the occasion of the publication of these tenders, Miguel Katemb Kashal, the Director General of ARSP, urged Congolese entrepreneurs to seize these opportunities to access the job market in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s mining sector.

“We call on Congolese entrepreneurs to bid for the 11 calls for tenders launched by Mutanda Mining SARL,” wrote Miguel Katemb Kashal on his X account, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the deadlines.

According to the ARSP website, these 11 tenders cover a wide range of services for Mutanda Mining, including:

.Maintenance of MUMI’s main laboratory

.Ecological study on vegetation and soil quality

.Management of facilities and related services within Mutanda Mining I and II

.Emergency construction of a new tailings pond at Mutanda Mining’s SX6 plant

.SMBS acid dosing

.Construction of schools and houses

These tenders are available to interested parties until July 19, 2024, at 7 a.m. Submissions must be made within the deadline to the following address:


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