Barrick listed again in Dow Jones Sustainability Index 1Mining Companies 

Barrick listed again in Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Barrick Gold Corporation has retained its listing in the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Index’s (DJSI) World Index, ranking in the 95th percentile of all mining companies assessed.

This is the 13th consecutive year Barrick has been listed in the World Index, in which 2,500 companies are evaluated against governance, social performance, environmental management and economic contribution factors to identify the top 10% or “best in class” performers in every industry.

The DJSI is the longest-running global sustainability benchmark worldwide and has become the key reference point in sustainability investment.

Barrick scored full marks (100th percentile) in the categories of environmental reporting, water-related risks, social reporting and human rights, and improved its scores in policy influence, operational eco-efficiency, biodiversity and occupational health and safety.

President and CEO Mark Bristow says he is pleased by this objective, independent assessment of the strong emphasis Barrick placed on sustainability issues as well as the robustness of its approach.

“At the heart of our philosophy is the belief that our ability to operate successfully is acutely dependent on delivering long-term value to all our stakeholders and proactively managing our impacts on the wider environment,” he said.

Bristow added that despite the positive recognition by the DJSI, Barrick was far from complacent about its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) credentials and that it remained a high priority for the group to enhance its sustainability efforts and to stay at the forefront of ESG in the industry.


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