Be MetalsMining in Zambia New Mining Projects 

BeMetals Commences Exploration Program at the Pangeni Copper Project

BeMetals Corp. (TSXV: BMET, OTCQB: BMTLF, Frankfurt: 1OI.F) ( “BeMetals”) is pleased to announce commencement of the fully funded exploration program at the Pangeni Copper Project (Pangeni” or the “Project”), located in the western extension of the Central African Copperbelt in Zambia. The primary objective for this year’s campaign is to extend the copper mineralization discovered at two high-priority targets during the 2019 exploration program, and potentially vector into higher grade areas. 

John Wilton, President and CEO of BeMetals stated, “We are pleased to have started a follow up phase of aircore drilling at the Pangeni Copper Project.  This project’s value relates to exploring through thin cover units to test for extensions of the prolific Zambian Copperbelt, which hosts several world-class copper mines.

This is an exciting time for BeMetals with underground drilling already advancing at our high-grade Zinc-Silver-Gold-Copper, South Mountain Project in Idaho, our ongoing global evaluation for an entry-level precious metal project, and now the follow-up exploration program from the successful delivery of our last Pangeni Copper Project drilling results in 2019.

At Pangeni, last year’s core drilling program resulted in the discovery of some very encouraging copper mineralization at both the D2 and SW(E2) targets (see Figure 1 and highlights below). Those intersections are generally hosted within broader zones of anomalous copper which are importantly associated with the same alteration minerals known to occur in other large-scale copper deposits, being mined, within the Zambian Copperbelt.  Both the D2 target and SW (E2) targets are open for expansion along both strike and dip. We intend to systematically test the interpreted geological structures at these targets with cost-effective lines of shallow aircore drilling. Other priority targets on the property such as CT, will also be tested with aircore drilling before they are further evaluated with core drilling later in the year. We are also pleased to be continuing our strong technical and local community relationships with both Copper Cross Zambia Limited and Pangeni Mineral Resources Limited, the optionees of this property.”

Highlights of the Planned 2020 Pangeni Aircore and core Drilling Campaign:

  • To follow-up on encouraging copper intersections at the high priority D2 and SW(E2) targets  during the 2019 exploration program (See select results below and Figure 1 further below)
    • D2 Target(1): Core Hole D2-C1 intersected 5.50 metres (“m”) grading 0.53% copper (“Cu”)
                                         Core Hole D2-C2 intersected 5.56m grading 0.47% Cu
    • SW(E2) Target(1):  Core Hole E2-C2 intersected 4.50m grading 0.39% Cu
                                             including: 0.5m of 1.59% Cu & 0.5m grading 1.22% Cu
  • To drill a total of approximately 3,500 metres for 100 shallow aircore holes and approximately 1,000 metres for five core holes to test copper geochemical targets from the aircore program

Note (1): Intertek Genalysis completed the analytical work with the core samples processed at their preparation facility in Kitwe, Zambia. All analytical procedures were conducted in an Intertek Genalysis laboratory in Australia. Reported widths are drilled core lengths as true widths are unknown at this time. Based upon current data it is estimated true widths range between 80 to 90% of the drilled intersections.


The 2020 program will comprise a total of approximately 3,500 metres of aircore drilling for 100 aircore holes (see Figure 1) and approximately 1,000 metres for five core holes. This program is planned to run until mid-December with initial aircore results expected to be released in early December and then final core results in early 2021.  The planned aircore holes will be spaced at various distances along lines from 400m to 200m and 100m infill centres based upon field results and observations. The program is designed to follow-up on extensions and potential higher grade areas of copper mineralization discovered during the 2019 drill season where hole D2-C1 intersected 5.50m grading 0.53% copper at the D2 Target and hole E2-C2 intersected 4.5m grading 0.39% copper at the SW(E2) Target (See Figure 1). The results to date indicate a number of anomalous zones of predominantly copper sulphide mineralization are present at both the D2 and SW(E2) targets.  These intersections are related to broader zones of anomalous copper which are associated with the same alteration minerals known to occur at various copper deposits and large scale mines within the Zambian Copperbelt. The CT Target will also be tested with two lines of aircore drilling.

The Pangeni Project is located along the western extension of the Zambian Copperbelt and is largely under-explored due to an extensive layer of Kalahari sand that covers much of the bedrock geology in this region of Zambia.  At the Pangeni Property, the sand cover is thinner than most areas in the western extension of the Copperbelt and only averages approximately 25 metres in depth. The Company uses interpretations of airborne magnetic data coupled with aircore drilling to generate copper targets beneath the covering units of sand. These targets are then followed-up with core drilling.  To date, BeMetals has discovered two high priority targets with significant core drilled copper intersections and additional areas will also be explored during the 2020 field season.       

Figure 1 : Location Map of Planned 2020 Aircore Drilling Lines and Existing Drill Hole Collars On Interpreted Map of Surface Regolith at Pangeni Copper Project

Figure 1


The Pangeni Project is located on the western extension of the Zambian Copperbelt, within the Lufilian Arc, underlain by Katangan Supergroup metasediments situated unconformably on basement schists and gneisses, which are covered by a thin veneer of Kalahari sands. The open pit Sentinel Copper Mine is operated by First Quantum Minerals Ltd. some 130 kilometres to the northeast of the Pangeni Project. A number of major international mining companies have identified this region of the Zambian Copperbelt to be prospective for the discovery of tier one copper mines and are also conducting extensive exploration work in this area.

The Pangeni Project property is geologically prospective for the following deposit types; Basement-hosted Cu (analogues: the Lumwana Deposit, Nyungu Prospect), Sediment-hosted stratiform Cu-Co (analogues: Nchanga, Konkola, Nkana, and Mufulira Deposits), other Domes Region Deposits e.g. Sentinel, and Kansanshi and DRC Copperbelt Deposits e.g. Lonshi, Frontier, Kamoa-Kakula).

Figure 2. Pangeni Copper Project Location Map in Zambia

Figure 2

Table 1.  2019 Drill hole, Azimuth, Dip, EOH depth, collar co-ordinates

Drill Hole IDAzimuth
End of hole Depth


The results reported here for this core drilling program were analyzed by Intertek Genalysis, an independent and accredited laboratory. Samples were prepared at their facility in Kitwe, Zambia and analytical work conducted in Australia. The results were determined using multi-acid, near total digest, and analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma (“ICP”) Optical (Atomic) Emission Spectrometry (“OES”). The core sampling was conducted with a robust sampling protocol that included the appropriate insertion of standard reference material, duplicates, and blanks into the sample stream.

Field operations and management have been provided by Remote Exploration Services (“RES”) an independent geological consulting and contracting company. The core drilling was conducted by Blurock Mining Services, of Kitwe, Zambia.

About BeMetals Corp.

BeMetals is a new precious and base metals exploration and development company focused on becoming a leading diversified metal producer through the acquisition of quality exploration, development and potentially production stage projects. The Company is searching globally for an entry-level precious metals project while progressing both its advanced high-grade, zinc-silver-gold-copper polymetallic underground exploration at the South Mountain Project in Idaho, and its tier-one targeted, Pangeni Copper Exploration Project in Zambia. BeMetals’ growth strategy is led by our strong board and management, founders of the Company and significant shareholders, who have an extensive proven record of delivering considerable value in the mining sector through the discovery, construction and operation of mines around the world.


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