Burial of Sensele Mine Accident Victims Held in Chingola 1Mining in Zambia Mine Safety News in Brief 

Burial of Sensele Mine Accident Victims Held in Chingola

The remains of the nine victims from the Sensele mine accident in Chingola district, Copperbelt, have been laid to rest at Chingola Cemetery.

Mines Minister Paul Kabuswe emphasized the government’s commitment to ensuring safer operations for small-scale miners to prevent future accidents.

During the burial, Copperbelt Minister Elisha Matambo expressed gratitude to the families of the deceased for their patience and cooperation during this difficult time.

Chingola Mayor Johnson Kang’ombe and District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi reassured the mourners of the government’s support for the people of Chingola during such challenging moments.


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