Gécamines Faces Proposed Overhaul to Address Deep-Rooted Challenges 1 Mining in DRC Cobalt Copper 

Gécamines Faces Proposed Overhaul to Address Deep-Rooted Challenges

Gécamines, one of the largest state-owned mining companies in the DRC, is poised for a major transformation following proposals from the human rights organization Justicia Asbl. During the Council of Ministers meeting on August 23, 2024, chaired by the Head of State, discussions centered on revitalizing Gécamines. However, Justicia Asbl argues that the current measures are insufficient to address the company’s deep-seated structural issues. In a statement released on Monday, Justicia Asbl advocated for a “total overhaul” of Gécamines, emphasizing that merely resuming mining activities will not resolve the company’s… Read More Here
DRC Govt Blocks Chemaf’s Sale of Copper and Cobalt Mines to China’s Norin Mining 2 Mining in DRC Cobalt Copper 

DRC Govt Blocks Chemaf’s Sale of Copper and Cobalt Mines to China’s Norin Mining

The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has opposed Chemaf SA’s plan to sell its copper and cobalt mines to China’s Norin Mining, according to a document reviewed by Reuters. In June, Chemaf, a long-time partner of commodities trader Trafigura, announced its agreement to sell its mining operations in the DRC to a subsidiary of China North Industries Corp (Norinco), a state-backed defense and industrial giant. The sale was driven by financial difficulties that had delayed the expansion of Chemaf’s Etoile and Mutoshi projects amid falling cobalt prices.… Read More Here
DRC Mines Minister Visits Tenke Fungurume to Inspect Development Projects 3 Mining in DRC Cobalt Copper 

DRC Mines Minister Visits Tenke Fungurume to Inspect Development Projects

On Saturday, August 17, Minister of Mines Kizito Pakapomba arrived in Fungurume and was warmly received at Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM) Airport by CEO Wang Hanyuan, along with other senior management members and state representatives. The delegation, including Gécamines Deputy General Manager and other government officials, gathered at the foot of the plane to welcome the minister. The visit commenced with an overview of the 30K factory, TFM’s latest facility, which is expected to significantly boost copper and cobalt production once it reaches full capacity. The minister then visited the… Read More Here
DRC Minister of Mines, H.E. Mr Kizito Pakabomba, visits Metalkol SA 4 Mining in DRC Cobalt Corporate News 

DRC Minister of Mines, H.E. Mr Kizito Pakabomba, visits Metalkol SA

On Saturday, 17 August 2024, Eurasian Resources Group in Africa (ERG Africa) had the honour of welcoming His Excellency (H.E), Mr Kizito Pakabomba, the National Minister of Mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), to its Metalkol SA operation in the province of Lualaba for an official visit that marks the strengthening of a shared and promising vision for the sustainable development of the mining sector at national and international levels. As part of his tour of the Greater Katanga region, the Minister of Mines, H.E. Mr Kizito Pakabomba,… Read More Here
DRC's Renegotiated Mining Contract with Chinese Enterprise Sparks Debate Over Missed Potential 5 Mining in DRC Cobalt Copper 

DRC’s Renegotiated Mining Contract with Chinese Enterprise Sparks Debate Over Missed Potential

The recently signed contract on March 14 between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Chinese Enterprise Group (GEC) continues to fuel discussions. Bodom Matungulu, president of the think tank RDC Stratégie, which specializes in public policy, argues that the renegotiated contract, known as “Amendment No. 5,” could potentially generate over $117 billion for the DRC, thanks to the significant reserves of copper and cobalt within the country’s subsoil. However, he contends that the contract represents only a small fraction of the DRC’s vast mining potential. “The deposits covered… Read More Here
Glencore Halts Cobalt Stockpiling as Surplus Market Predicted for 18-20 Months 6 Mining in DRC Cobalt Copper 

Glencore Halts Cobalt Stockpiling as Surplus Market Predicted for 18-20 Months

Glencore has ceased stockpiling electric vehicle (EV) battery material cobalt, according to CEO Gary Nagle, who stated on Wednesday that the market is likely to remain in surplus for another 18 to 20 months. In August 2023, the London-listed miner announced that it had stockpiled cobalt in the first half of the year, reducing supplies to the market to support prices. However, the company did not disclose the quantity of cobalt stockpiled, and Nagle declined to comment on current stock levels. Increased production in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),… Read More Here

Tenke Fungurume Mining Reports Strong Production and Community Impact in H1 2024

Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM) has announced its mining production results for the first half of 2024 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). According to a press release issued on Tuesday, TFM produced approximately 102,405 tonnes of copper cathodes and 7,061 tonnes of cobalt metal in the form of cobalt hydroxide. As of the first quarter of 2024, the company reported paying approximately USD 171.69 million in taxes and related payments to the DRC. Since the project commenced in 2006, TFM has contributed around USD 6.063 billion in total payments,… Read More Here
CMOC Group Overtakes Glencore as Top Cobalt Producer 7 Cobalt Battery Metals Mining in DRC 

CMOC Group Overtakes Glencore as Top Cobalt Producer

China’s CMOC Group Ltd. has solidified its position as the world’s leading cobalt producer, generating more than three times the output of its well-known rival, Glencore Plc. This significant surge in production has further depressed cobalt prices. Last year, CMOC surpassed Glencore to become the top producer. Recent first-half output figures reveal a widening gap between the two companies. While Glencore’s production fell 27% to 15,900 tons, CMOC’s output more than doubled to 54,024 tons, nearing its full-year production guidance. Cobalt prices have dropped 70% from their peak around two… Read More Here
Vedanta Holdings Deposits $245.75 Million for Full Control of Konkola Copper Mines 8 Mining in Zambia Cobalt Copper Economy 

Vedanta Holdings Deposits $245.75 Million for Full Control of Konkola Copper Mines

Friday, 19th July 2024, Lusaka, Zambia – Vedanta Resources Holdings Limited (“VRHL” or “Vedanta Holdings” or “Vedanta”) yesterday confirmed the deposit of USD 245.75 million into an escrow account designated by the Hon. High Court of Zambia. This critical financial move paves the way for the imminent reinstatement of the Board of the Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) and the return of full management control to Vedanta. This transition will enable Vedanta to take the necessary steps to allow KCM to operate at its full potential, thereby contributing significantly to Zambia’s… Read More Here
Eurasian Resources Group Releases Fourth Metalkol Clean Cobalt & Copper Performance Report 9 Mining in DRC Cobalt Copper 

Eurasian Resources Group Releases Fourth Metalkol Clean Cobalt & Copper Performance Report

Eurasian Resources Group (“ERG” or “the Group”), a leading diversified natural resources group headquartered in Luxembourg, is pleased to announce the release of its fourth Metalkol Clean Cobalt & Copper Performance Report for 2024. The report, independently assured by auditors PwC, reports on Metalkol’s progress, approach, and performance across areas of responsible mining and due diligence in relation to its Clean Cobalt & Copper Framework (“Framework’). The report highlights four key achievements: The Clean Cobalt & Copper Framework, first released in 2018 as the Clean Cobalt Framework and extended to… Read More Here

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