covid-19 BME Mining in DRC Covid-19 Covid-Resilient Operations 

Curfew in the DRC: ODEP calls for the monitoring of 9 activity sectors to consolidate the multisectoral emergency program against of covid-19

In its press release published on Tuesday, December 22, the Observatory for Public Expenditure (ODEP) pointed out to the government that the curfew, established since Friday, December 18, is a partial confinement of 8 hours a day which will cause new damage to the economic and social fabric. For this second wave, believes this civil society organization, it is necessary to assess and take charge of the economic damage that the curfew will cause in the cost of the PMUAIC (multisectoral emergency and mitigation program for the impacts of covid… Read More Here
Fibreglass grating Covid-Resilient Operations Mine Safety Mining technology 

Triumph Through Covid-19 | Fibreglass Grating

We would like to take this opportunity in thanking Copperbelt Katanga Mining for thinking about us during the challenges we are all encountering in this COVID period. It is an honour for us to share our journey with you. Fibreglass Grating is based in Gauteng, South Africa that supplies Grating and hand Railing and FRP Structures for numerous applications. The marketplace has been impacted massively with huge declining revenue and erosion of profit margins with the declining rand and other unplanned costs. This could spell disaster for a small business… Read More Here
Ferrit monorail Covid-Resilient Operations Mining Equipment Mining technology 

Benefits tailor-made by Ferrit

Ferrit is the Czech company, which is on the worldwide market, more than 27 years. During this period, we have installed more than 5 000 products worldwide. Among of our main territories belongs Russia, Poland and China, but we are targeting also to other continents like Africa, Australia etc. Ferrit’s portfolio covers all types of mining transport which is suspended monorail, railbound and wheel transport. To ensure the transport of people, material and ore, or coal in the conditions of ore mines and coal mines, with the risk of gas explosion,… Read More Here
covid-19 BME Safety & Health Covid-Resilient Operations Explosives 

Securing mining supply chains under lockdown | BME

BME – supply security in SADC with Covid-19 pandemic  Covid-19 lockdown restrictions around Southern Africa have thrown the spotlight on mines’ supply security, especially key inputs like explosives and specialised blasting services. According to Albie Visser, General Manager at blasting specialist BME, mines have relied heavily on the flexibility and ingenuity of service providers to keep the supply chain functioning. “The first weeks of the lockdown were challenging, especially regarding the logistics of moving our emulsion product across national borders from South Africa into other southern African countries,” said Visser.… Read More Here

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