Madison begins drilling at Namibian uranium project 1 International Drilling Uranium 

Madison begins drilling at Namibian uranium project

Toronto-based Madison Metals has started its maiden 2024 drill programme at the Khan project at Madison West in Namibia’s Erongo uranium province. In April, the company announced that it had embarked on a mapping programme ahead of the drill programme, which consisted of infill geological mapping, along with ground scintillometer and spectrometer surveys over several Anomaly 5 drill targets. Madison’s original surveying was completed at 40 m line spacing with 10 m station spacing. The company added new drill targets at Anomaly 5 by surveying at 20 m line spacing.… Read More Here
RC drilling At Sanu Gold’s Bantabaye To Start In Q1 2023 2 Drilling Gold International 

RC drilling At Sanu Gold’s Bantabaye To Start In Q1 2023

Sanu Gold is preparing for a Phase I 10,000 m RC drill program at its Bantabaye Gold Exploration Permit in Guinea, West Africa. Bantabaye covers a 100 km2 area on the western margin of Guinea’s Siguiri Basin, approximately 50 km southwest of Nordgold Group’s Lefa Gold Mine, one of the largest gold producers in Guinea, and 90 km north of Predictive Discovery’s Bankan Gold Project, a recent multi-million-ounce gold discovery. Martin Pawlitschek, President, and CEO of Sanu Gold, commented: “We are excited to be preparing for the initial drill test of… Read More Here


BeMetals is pleased to announce it has further extended the Seta Vein with recently received assay results for drill holes KT22-13 to KT22-15 from its ongoing diamond drilling program at the Kato Gold Project (“Kato” or the “Property”) in Hokkaido. The Company also provides a summary of progress for all its Kazan gold projects in Japan. John Wilton, President and CEO of BeMetals stated, “We are pleased that the Company’s latest drilling results at the Kato Project successfully extended the Seta Vein Zone some 400 metres along strike from the… Read More Here
Invictus Energy starts drilling first exploration well in Zimbabwe 4 Drilling 

Invictus Energy starts drilling first exploration well in Zimbabwe

Australian-listed Invictus Energy has started drilling one of two exploration wells for oil and gas in the northern part of Zimbabwe, the company said on Monday. The 3.5-km deep well, situated in the Muzarabani-Mbire area, is part of the Cabora Bassa project in Zimbabwe, which is 80% owned and operated by Invictus through its interest in Geo Associates. Invictus said in a statement that the drilling of the first well, Mukuyu-1, began on Friday and will last between 50 and 60 days. Mukuyu, which will cost $16-million, is one of the largest oil and gas exploration prospects to be drilled globally in 2022, estimated at… Read More Here
Alphamin to publish updated MRE for Mpama South soon 5 Mining in DRC Drilling 

Alphamin to publish updated MRE for Mpama South soon

JSE-listed Alphamin Resources Corporation has announced positive drill results from the Mpama South prospect and the Mpama North mine, at its Bisie tin complex, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Mpama South is a high-grade tin resource adjoining the southern end of Alphamin’s operating Mpama North mine. The company has been drilling at this prospect to expand its mineral resource estimate (MRE), an update for which should be published as soon as end-March or early April. Notable high-grade assay results returned on the Mpama South prospect include 22.7 m, grading 3.12% tin from 391… Read More Here
Red Rock records encouraging drill results at Kenya gold project 6 Drilling 

Red Rock records encouraging drill results at Kenya gold project

Natural resource development company Red Rock Resources has announced encouraging results from the first batch of 950 samples from its recently completed 2021 Phase 1 reverse circulation (RC) drilling exploration programme in the mid-KKM prospect at the Mikei gold project (MGP) in Kenya. Chairperson Andrew Bell says the first nine holes were extremely encouraging, and take the company some way towards its objectives for the programme. Seven of the drill holes intercepted gold mineralisation, including five at good grades, he highlights. A total of 20 drill holes totalling 2 093 m were… Read More Here
Red Rock completes RC drill programme at Luanshimba 7 Copper Cobalt Drilling Mining in DRC 

Red Rock completes RC drill programme at Luanshimba

Natural resource development company Red Rock Resources has completed a reverse circulation (RC) drill programme at the Luanshimba copper/cobalt project in the Haut-Katanga province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Luanshimba project is operated by Red Rock Galaxy, an 80%-owned Congolese subsidiary of Red Rock. Three prospects were drilled, at Kilembwe South, Kilembwe East and Bukulu. There were 2 763 samples, including quality assurance or quality control samples prepared at ALS Global’s preparation laboratory before sending in batches to the ALS laboratory in South Africa for analysis. The majority of assay results have been received, but those from… Read More Here
Central Copper to list on Aim, undertake equity raise 8 Copper Drilling Mining in DRC Mining in Zambia 

Central Copper to list on Aim, undertake equity raise

Central Copper Resources, a company focused on delivering copper assets in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Zambia, intends to apply for admission to start trading on the Aim market of the LSE. Concurrently with admission, it is proposing to raise equity through the placing of new ordinary shares, the proceeds of which will be invested primarily to advance the high-grade Mbamba Kilenda copper project in the DRC towards production and to continue high-impact exploration at both its Titan project, in the DRC, and its Lunga project, in Zambia. Prior to admission, the company will be re-registered as a… Read More Here
Ivanhoe Mines executive says DRC cobalt bubble will burst 9 Battery Metals Cobalt Drilling 

Ivanhoe Mines executive says DRC cobalt bubble will burst

Democratic Republic of Congo’s Chamber of Mines President Louis Watum predicts the cobalt bubble will burst with the rise of new battery technology The demand for cobalt is a bubble that will burst as new battery technology reduces the need for the metal, according to the head of the chamber of mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Democratic Republic of Congo is home to more than half the world’s cobalt resources Congo holds more than half the world’s cobalt reserves, but the market’s negative perception of the central African… Read More Here

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