goviex-mutanga 1 Mining in Zambia Uranium 

GoviEx to appeal cancelled uranium license in Zambia

Canada’s GoviEx Uranium Inc. (TSX-V: GXU) said on Wednesday it would appeal Zambia’s decision to terminate its Chirundu mining license. The company acquired the permit in late 2017 from African Energy Resources, and it included the Njame and Gwabe deposits. Both assets,  GoviEx said, were subsequently included in the preliminary economic assessment (PEA) for the company’s Mutanga uranium project. Due to the smaller scale and higher cost nature of the two deposits, they were scheduled to be mined in the later stages of the PEA and were not included in the mine… Read More Here
Hot topics at the Investing in African Mining Indaba 2020 2 Copper Energy Gold International Mining in Zambia Uranium 

Hot topics at the Investing in African Mining Indaba 2020

The 2020 Investing in African Mining Indaba is only two weeks away and is promising to be even bigger than last year’s 25th anniversary event. Attracting even more junior, mid-tier and major mining companies, investors as well as two heads of state, 35 African and five Non-African Ministers and providing a platform for increased connections, deal-making and investment opportunities. This year’s programme and discussions are focused on forging the future direction of the African Mining industry. Under the theme ‘Optimising Growth and Investment in the Digitised Mining Economy’, key topics… Read More Here
emerald Mining in Zambia Uranium 

Gemfields seeking admission to London’s Aim market

Gemstone miner Gemfields intends to seek admission to trade on the Aim market of the LSE. The company does not intend to raise capital in conjunction with the admission, which it expects will become effective on February 14. The company, which has its primary listing on the JSE, and a secondary listing on the Bermuda stock exchange, says the listing on the Aim will allow it “to access greater liquidity and international investors”. It will also allow UK investors access to a growing market and the opportunity to invest in… Read More Here

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