ODEP recommends to the DRC's Head of State to continue the process of recovery of disputed mining assets 1 Mining in DRC Economy Environment Social Governance (ESG) 

ODEP recommends to the DRC’s Head of State to continue the process of recovery of disputed mining assets

The Public Expenditure Observatory (ODEP) and several civil society structures have made a good number of recommendations to the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo and to the central government, on the agreement signed between the DRC and the Ventora group of Dan Gertler. It was during the work of the Round Table on the restitution of mining and oil assets by the Ventora Group of the Israeli economic operator Dan Gertler. Works which took place from April 13 to 14, 2022 under the leadership of the Presidency of the… Read More Here
Water pollution in Yenge and Kapanga villages in the DRC: Sicomines SA cleared of accusations 2 Environment Social Governance (ESG) Mining in DRC 

Water pollution in Yenge and Kapanga villages in the DRC: Sicomines SA cleared of accusations

The Provincial Division of Mines has once again cleared the Sino-Congolaise des Mines (SICOMINES SA) of the accusations and campaigns of bad faith orchestrated against it for some time in social networks and the media by certain organizations, in particular the NGO African Resources Watch ( AFREWATCH).  According to a publication dated March 24, 2022 on the social networks of the African Natural Resources Observatory (AFREWATCH), an NGO for the promotion and protection of human rights working in the natural resources sector, demonstrating a certain mining company carrying out work… Read More Here
Extinction Rebellion movement calls for no oil exploitation in Virunga National Park in DRC 3 Oil & Gas Environment Social Governance (ESG) Exploration 

Extinction Rebellion movement calls for no oil exploitation in Virunga National Park in DRC

The Extinction Rebellion climate movement, section of the territory of Rutshuru (North Kivu), asks the local population of the Virunga National Park to stand up as one man to say no to any oil exploitation and or exploration project . This call is part of the Fossil Free Virunga campaign initiated by the climate movement 350.Org  “Our commitment in the Fossil Free Virunga campaign is to awaken the conscience of local communities so that they understand that there is an urgency to stand up and say no to any oil exploitation… Read More Here
Fresh evidence filed against mining company on behalf of over 100,000 victims | Kabwe lead poisoning 4 Environment Social Governance (ESG) Mining in Zambia 

Fresh evidence filed against mining company on behalf of over 100,000 victims | Kabwe lead poisoning

Two law firms are pursuing a class action lawsuit against mining giant Anglo American South Africa High levels of lead were found in the blood of thousands of children living around the Kabwe mine in Zambia, according to evidence submitted by human rights lawyers in the South Gauteng High Court March 15.  The reports by medical and environmental experts will strengthen the case against mining giant Anglo American South Africa Ltd for allegedly causing widespread lead poisoning around the site. The local population has been suffering lead poisoning for generations and… Read More Here
A delegation from the DRC Presidency visits Kinsevere MMG 5 Mining in DRC Copper Environment Social Governance (ESG) 

A delegation from the DRC Presidency visits Kinsevere MMG

On March 14, 2022, Kinsevere hosted a delegation from the Office of the Head of State of the DRC and Gécamines to assess the public-private partnership between Gécamines and MMG. Kinsevere has a farm-out contract with Gécamines for 3 mining permits which are currently in progress. The delegation was made up of 6 people, 4 from the Presidency and 2 from Gécamines. Mrs. Annie Maboya and Mr. Jean de Dieu Bangana, Advisors to the Director of Cabinet of the Head of State in charge of the portfolio, Mr. Jean-Claude Mukanya – Advisor… Read More Here
US sanctions Alain Goetz, the powerful Belgian gold dealer for funding DRC insurgency 6 Mining in DRC Environment Social Governance (ESG) 

US sanctions Alain Goetz, the powerful Belgian gold dealer for funding DRC insurgency

The US Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has sanctioned Belgian gold dealer Alain Goetz. OFAC has also sanctioned companies linked to Goetz, who are believed to be involved in the illicit movement of gold from the DRC. The body says 90% of the DRC’s gold is smuggled to regional states, including Uganda and Rwanda. The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on Belgian businessman Alain Goetz and a network of companies tied to him that it accused of being involved in the illicit movement of gold from the Democratic Republic of the… Read More Here
Tharisa, Liebherr start testing of more efficient mining machines in pursuit of ESG goals 7 Equipment & Technology Environment Social Governance (ESG) International 

Tharisa, Liebherr start testing of more efficient mining machines in pursuit of ESG goals

Dual-listed Tharisa announces that three Liebherr mining machines with more efficient engines and fuel systems have been delivered to the Tharisa mine in the Bushveld Complex, and have begun operational testing. The partnership with Liebherr is part of Tharisa’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiative to reduce its carbon footprint. The two T 236 mining trucks with a capacity of 100 t and one 72 t PR 776 dozer, both of which use the latest generation diesel engine technology, with the T 236s using Cummins QST 30 engines and the… Read More Here
Sicomines DRC committed to protecting the environment (press release) 8 Mining in DRC Environment Social Governance (ESG) 

Sicomines DRC committed to protecting the environment (press release)

Kinshasa February 27, 2022.- La Sino Congolaise des Mines (SICOMINES SA), has since its creation registered approximately 69,079,880 USD for the design of the environmental protection project as well as 9,013,950 USD invested for environmental protection measures in the DRC, with a view to protecting the environment and the populations of the villages surrounding its facilities against diseases, pollution of the rivers and the earth. This mining company always refers to the prescriptions of law 038/2003 of March 26, 2003 on mining regulations as amended and supplemented by decree of… Read More Here
Haut-Katanga: Afrewatch calls on Chinese company to repair damage by toxic smoke and wastewater from its mining activities 9 Mining in DRC Environment Social Governance (ESG) Mining Chemicals 

Haut-Katanga: Afrewatch calls on Chinese company to repair damage by toxic smoke and wastewater from its mining activities

The African Natural Resources Observatory (Afrewatch), a non-governmental organization for the promotion and protection of human rights, working for the responsible exploitation of natural resources, called, this Friday, February 25, during a press conference, in Lubumbashi, the mining company Congo DONGFANG (CDM) to repair the damage caused to three districts of the annexed commune. These are, according to this civil society NGO, the impacts resulting from the wastewater discharged from the factory of this mining company and the toxic smoke in these three districts, namely Kamisepe, Kasapa and Kamatete, located… Read More Here
Dan Gertler: a first step towards ending the plunder of natural resources in the DRC, but too early to declare victory! 10 Mining in DRC Economy Environment Social Governance (ESG) 

Dan Gertler: a first step towards ending the plunder of natural resources in the DRC, but too early to declare victory!

February 19, 2022 – A Congolese commission has initiated negotiations with Dan Gertler on the recovery of mining and oil assets. The Congo is not for sale coalition welcomes this first step but calls on the government to ensure that the agreement covers all ill-gotten gains and calls for the process and results of the negotiations to be made more transparent. According to the report of the Council of Ministers of February 18, a commission “concluded with the Fleurette group the terms of reference of a memorandum of… Read More Here

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