Kolwezi-Lumwana Road And The Lusaka-Ndola Dual Carriageway Concession Agreements To Be Signed 1 Mining in Zambia Governance 

Kolwezi-Lumwana Road And The Lusaka-Ndola Dual Carriageway Concession Agreements To Be Signed

The Zambian Government will in the next three weeks sign a concession agreement under a Public-Private Partnership financing model for the construction of a dual carriageway from Ndola to Lusaka. Finance and National Planning Minister SITUMBEKO MUSOKOTWANE has announced during the 2023 Post Budget Symposium in Kitwe on the Copperbelt. Dr. MUSOKOTWANE has further disclosed that government will proceed to sign two more concession agreements to work on the Ndola – Mufulira Road and a build a road from Kolwezi in the Democratic Republic of Congo -DRC- to Lumwana to… Read More Here
"Rwanda actually has expansionist tendencies with the main interest being the appropriation of DRC's minerals", Félix Tshisekedi 2 Mining in DRC Governance 

“Rwanda actually has expansionist tendencies with the main interest being the appropriation of DRC’s minerals”, Félix Tshisekedi

Congolese Head of State Félix Tshisekedi has accused Rwanda of wanting to appropriate minerals from the DRC through its expansionist ambitions. It was during his speech filmed and broadcast on November 4, 2022, on national television. Felix Tshisekedi reiterated his opinion that the destabilization of the eastern part of the DRC is the work of the land of a thousand hills under cover of the M23.  “Indeed, under the fallacious accusation of FARDC support for the FDLR, Rwanda actually has expansionist inclinations with the main interest of appropriating our minerals and… Read More Here
Govt to issue statement on KCM & Mopani 3 Mining in Zambia Governance 

Govt to issue statement on KCM & Mopani

Mines and Minerals Development Minister PAUL KABUSWE says Government will this week make a final statement on the status of both Konkola Copper Mines -KCM and Mopani Copper Mines. Mr. KABUSWE says the two mining giants are very important in the economic transformation of Copperbelt towns. The minister says that is why he wants to update the nation on how far the ministry has gone with negotiations for both KCM and Mopani. Mr KABUSWE, who is also Chililabombwe Member of Parliament, says by the end of this year a lot… Read More Here
Kinsevere - Arbitration Procedure Update (News Release) 4 Mining in DRC Governance Mining Policy 

Kinsevere – Arbitration Procedure Update (News Release)

MMG Limited has initiated arbitration proceedings against La Générale des Carrières et des Mines S.A. (GECAMINES) in front of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The company announced its submission to ICC on Friday, October 21, 2022. The action follows previous updates concerning incidents on its Sokoroshe Il and Nambulwa mining concessions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC): MMG holds existing mining contracts with Gécamines, both for Sokoroshe II and Nambulwa, registered with the official mining register. Sokoroshe II and Nambulwa were occupied by the armed forces and… Read More Here
Mining Code Review Forum: FEC Chamber of Mines recommends removal of redundant taxes 5 Mining in DRC Governance Mining Policy 

Mining Code Review Forum: FEC Chamber of Mines recommends removal of redundant taxes

The Chamber of Mines of the Federation of Enterprises of Congo (FEC) closed, on Thursday, October 20, 2022, in Kinshasa, a mining forum focused on the theme: “Mining activity in the DRC and its challenges: evaluation of the revised Mining Code of 2018”. At the end of this meeting, several recommendations were made by the four commissions set up for this purpose. These are the Mining Law Commission; the Energy, Transport and Logistics Commission; and the Taxation and Customs Commission. First: Mining Law Commission At this level, six problems have been identified: –… Read More Here
DRC improves extractive sector transparency but more needed – anti-graft body 6 Mining in DRC Governance 

DRC improves extractive sector transparency but more needed – anti-graft body

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has made progress in implementing transparency in its extractive mining sector but needs to do more in publishing contracts and revenues from the sector, a global anti-corruption body said. The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), which sets a global standard for good governance in oil, gas and mineral resources, said the DRC has achieved a high overall score in the implementation of the 2019 EITI Standards. The standards include good governance, clear legal framework and fiscal regimes, and publishing of contracts and revenues. President Felix Tshisekedi has promised to tackle corruption… Read More Here
Zambia restricts number of mining licences per company to five 7 Mining in Zambia Governance Mining Policy 

Zambia restricts number of mining licences per company to five

Zambia, Africa’s second-largest copper producer, said on Monday the number of mining licences that a company can hold at a time will be restricted to five to curb speculative purchases within the country’s licensing system. The ministry of mines in February suspended the issuance of mining licences and commissioned an audit in response to public complaints about a lack of transparency. “Every miner will be restricted to five licences and those that need more will have to justify it,” Zambia’s mines minister Paul Kabuswe said during a briefing on mining… Read More Here


The Congolese Head of State Félix Tshisekedi granted by ordinance-Law a one-year tax amnesty to all small and medium-sized enterprises as well as micro enterprises operating in different economic sectors. According to a copy of the ordinance law N ° 22/030 of September 08, 2022, relating to the promotion of entrepreneurship and startups, it is clearly indicated in article 50 that within the framework incentive measures that have already been taken, particularly around ​​taxation and the business climate, the beneficiary companies benefit –          total or partial exemption from the payment of… Read More Here
An NGO denounces kickbacks requested by certain political figures in the DRC (A Press Release by CNPAV) 9 Mining in DRC Environment Social Governance (ESG) Governance Mining Policy 

An NGO denounces kickbacks requested by certain political figures in the DRC (A Press Release by CNPAV)

The Coalition – Congo is not for sale (CNPAV) remains concerned about the deterioration of the business climate in the country and strongly denounces influence peddling and retro-commissions solicited by certain politically exposed personalities in the country. The CNPAV considers that the video published on September 14, 2022 by Le Temps and OCCRP showing Mr. Vidiye Tshimanga Tshipanda, former adviser to President Felix Tshisekedi in charge of Strategic Issues, soliciting shares in a company that would have liked to settle in the mining sector Congolese, illustrates the contrast between the… Read More Here
OPINION: Glencore’s Leadership Must be Held Accountable for Company’s Corrupt Behavior (By NJ Ayuk) 10 Governance Environment Social Governance (ESG) 

OPINION: Glencore’s Leadership Must be Held Accountable for Company’s Corrupt Behavior (By NJ Ayuk)

Glencore International A.G. and its subsidiaries bribed officials in seven countries for more than a decade After U.S. energy company Enron made global headlines in the early 2000s for accounting and corporate fraud, attention quickly shifted to the decision-makers behind the company’s actions. Ultimately, Enron executives Kenneth Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, and Andrew Fastow were convicted on federal felony charges. That was the appropriate response. When corporations engage in illegal behavior, the people responsible should face repercussions — and they often do. Why, then, have the executives at Switzerland-headquartered commodities and… Read More Here

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