Underground ADTs feature latest remote control technology 1 Equipment & Technology Mining Equipment Mining technology 

Underground ADTs feature latest remote control technology

The latest generation Bell B30L and B35L Low Profile Articulated Dump Trucks (ADTs) deliver the lowest cost per tonne solution, more practical styling and an ‘autonomous ready’ platform that is easily configurable for remote operation either by a handheld remote control or a more sophisticated autonomous control centre. Bell Equipment Product Designer, Shaun Tucker, explains that making the truck ‘future proof’ was a key design input as “these machines generally have a long life underground and in five years’ time there may be more of a need for autonomous control… Read More Here
OEM mining equipment Equipment & Technology International Mining Equipment 

A Domestic OEM Hub for Mining Equipment Manufacturers Launched in South Africa

The Mandela Mining Precinct (MMP) and the Mining Equipment Manufacturers of South Africa (MEMSA) have jointly created a hub, the Technology Availability and Readiness Atlas (Tara) to increase local manufacturing and bring together OEMs with mining houses. The Technology Availability and Readiness Atlas (Tara) will increase local manufacturing and bring together OEMs with mining houses Tara, which MMP dubbed “the Autotrader for South African mining equipment” for the industry, was developed because of a lack of a central database of the offerings of OEMs, it said. Additionally, it wanted to help… Read More Here
Ferrit monorail Covid-Resilient Operations Mining Equipment Mining technology 

Benefits tailor-made by Ferrit

Ferrit is the Czech company, which is on the worldwide market, more than 27 years. During this period, we have installed more than 5 000 products worldwide. Among of our main territories belongs Russia, Poland and China, but we are targeting also to other continents like Africa, Australia etc. Ferrit’s portfolio covers all types of mining transport which is suspended monorail, railbound and wheel transport. To ensure the transport of people, material and ore, or coal in the conditions of ore mines and coal mines, with the risk of gas explosion,… Read More Here
Autonomous-dump-trucks 4 Mining Equipment International Mining technology 

Autonomous dump trucks and why the market is poised for growth

Autonomous trucks are already a common sight at mines around the world. Researchers at The Parker Bay Company forecast that the market for self-driving machinery is set for growth as operators take advantage of the economic benefits of the technology.By Ben Hargreaves13 March 2020 From data analytics to simulation, new technologies are playing an increasingly important role in the mining industry – and the sector is also proving to be a leader when it comes to the adoption of the latest remotely operated trucks. Rio Tinto’s new $2.6 billion Koodaideri… Read More Here
Ghanaian technicians successfully Build Locally made Drill Rigs 2 Mining Equipment 

Ghanaian technicians successfully Build Locally made Drill Rigs

Technicians at Ghana based exploration drilling company, Geodrill have successfully built a multipurpose drill rig in country. This is the sixth such time the company is locally manufacturing its own drill rig designed specifically for the Ghanaian terrain. Eric Twum the Workshop Manager at Geodrill who led the team assembling the drill explained the feat goes a long way to confirm that when the right training, opportunities and investments are made in the local economy, we Ghanaians can produce anything. The latest rig which he described as unique is an… Read More Here

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