How long does silica dust stay in the air? 1 You got to know this 

How long does silica dust stay in the air?

How long silica dust stays in the air is a combination of factors such as particle size distribution, wind direction, wind speed and turbulence. It is not based on one factor, but multiple of factors which differ from one scenario to the other. Silica dust is an atmospheric contaminant that is emitted from different sources. It is among est many types of airborne contaminants that may mix with and be diluted by ambient air and travel to a target person, object or area where it has the potential to cause health problems such as… Read More Here
How to mine precious rare-earth elements from coal fly ash with a reusable ionic liquid 2 International Rare Earth Metals You got to know this 

How to mine precious rare-earth elements from coal fly ash with a reusable ionic liquid

Researchers from the American Chemical Society (ACS) have published an Environmental Science & Technology report which explains a simple method for recovering rare-earth elements from coal fly ash using an ionic liquid. Rare-earth elements are in many everyday products, such as smart phones, LED lights and batteries. However, only a few locations have large enough deposits worth mining, resulting in global supply chain tensions. So, there’s a push toward recycling them from non-traditional sources, such as waste from burning coal fly ash. While rare-earth elements aren’t as scarce as their name implies,… Read More Here
Chrysoberyl: One of the World's Most Exotic and Expensive Gems 3 Gemstones Rare Earth Minerals You got to know this 

Chrysoberyl: One of the World’s Most Exotic and Expensive Gems

The mineral or gemstone chrysoberyl is an aluminate of beryllium with the formula BeAl2O4. Despite the similarity of their names, chrysoberyl and beryl are two completely different gemstones, although they both contain beryllium. Chrysoberyl is the third-hardest frequently encountered natural gemstone and lies at 8.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, between corundum (9) and topaz (8). Chrysoberyl belongs to the orthorhombic crystal system, forming with tabular crystals in slender prisms. Crystal twins and triplets are quite common. Common chrysoberyl is colored by iron, while color change varieties obtain their color through chromium.… Read More Here
An Olympic ‘GOLD’ – Using Innovation to promote sustainability 4 Innovation You got to know this 

An Olympic ‘GOLD’ – Using Innovation to promote sustainability

The Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (Tokyo 2020) conducted the “Tokyo 2020 Medal Project”. This project was to extract gold and other metals to produce the Olympic and Paralympic medals. Small electronic devices such as used mobile phones were collected from all over Japan. Every single medal that was awarded to athletes during the Tokyo 2020 Games was made from recycled metals. 100% of the metals required to manufacture the approximately 5,000 gold, silver and bronze medals were extracted from the E-waste. TANAKA Holdings Co.Ltd signed… Read More Here
Rock with rare earth minerals Rare Earth Minerals You got to know this 

You got to know this about Rare Earth Minerals

Stanley Mertzman, a geologist whose specialty is X-ray analysis of rocks and minerals to determine their chemical composition, and who teaches mineralogy at Franklin and Marshall College, explains more about these little-known and fascinating elements called Rare Earth Minerals and the modern electronics they make possible. What are rare earth elements? These are elements like others on the periodic table – such as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen – with atomic numbers 57 to 71. There are two others with similar properties that are sometimes grouped with them, but the main rare earth… Read More Here

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