China's Coal Imports Surge 12% in June Amid Heatwave-Induced Demand 1Coal International 

China’s Coal Imports Surge 12% in June Amid Heatwave-Induced Demand

China’s coal imports rose by 12% year-on-year in June, driven by a surge in electricity demand due to extreme heatwaves, according to customs data released on Friday.

The General Administration of Customs reported that China imported 44.6 million metric tons of coal in June, up from 43.82 million tons in May.

Record high temperatures in northwest and east China in June increased electricity demand as people relied heavily on air conditioning to stay cool. The country has warned that it faces longer and hotter heat waves due to climate change.

On the supply side, lower coal production in the first part of the year has led to increased imports. China’s coal output from January to May was down 3% from the previous year, totaling 1.86 billion tons.

For the first half of 2024, China’s overall coal imports rose by 12.5% year-on-year, reaching 250 million tons.


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