Chinese mining company "Xiang Yang Mining" settles in TSHOPO province - DRC 1Mining in DRC Gold 

Chinese mining company “Xiang Yang Mining” settles in TSHOPO province – DRC

The Chinese mining company “Xiang Yang Mining” has just settled in Liambe village, in Basoko territory, in Tshopo province, with a view to mining for gold on the Aruwimi river.

According to the Congolese Press Agency (ACP), the installation of this company in the territory of Basoko comes after 08 (eight) years of negotiations and adds that the activity of gold mining of this company concerns 04 (four) groupings of Basoko territory namely: Ilongo, Likombe, Mongandjo and Yambuya.

For his part, the chief of the town of Bombama, Gérôme Kengelanga, explains that the exploitation of minerals in its entity, will have the advantage of contributing to the opening up of this territory: 

“Each entity will thus be able to benefit from its natural resources and make its share of contribution to the development of our entities”, he confided to the ACP.

As part of mining in Basoko, some from the Bangelema-Mongandjo sector are therefore invited to Kisangani to participate in training workshops related to mining, and also to sign the authorization documents. and collaboration agreements with this Chinese company for a renewable period of 05 (five) years.

Recall that the gold mining deposit discovered in the Bangelema – Mongandjo sector, in Basoko territory, is the second in the series in Africa, after that of Katanga, according to the report of analyzes made by experts.


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