Civil Society Calls for Transparency on Child Labor Statistics in DRC Mining 1Mining in DRC Artisanal mining Cobalt Copper 

Civil Society Calls for Transparency on Child Labor Statistics in DRC Mining

During the 19th edition of DRC Mining Week in Lubumbashi, Grant Leaity, UNICEF’s representative in the DRC, alarmed attendees with statistics suggesting that around 361,000 children are engaged in copper and cobalt mining in Haut-Katanga and Lualaba provinces.

This revelation has prompted Congolese civil society to raise concerns and demand further verification and transparency regarding these figures.

In response to UNICEF’s statement, Congolese civil society has expressed reservations about the reported numbers of child laborers in mining sites. They emphasize the need for additional information and rigorous verification of these statistics, backed by credible sources.

“We urge for transparency and the disclosure of methodologies used in arriving at these figures. It is crucial to ensure accuracy and reliability in reporting such sensitive data,” stated a spokesperson for Congolese civil society.

The call for objective verification aims to clarify discrepancies and ensure that interventions to address child labor in mining are based on accurate data.

Civil society organizations stress the importance of reliable statistics to effectively protect children’s rights and implement targeted interventions in the mining sector.


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