

DR Congo & Zambia’s Top Mining News Platform
Your top stories this week

Supplier opportunities for goods and services to be undertaken through transparent contract offers…
Following the commissioning of the Enterprise Nickel Mine which will position Zambia among the top 10 producers of nickel in the world, and the number one producer of the metal on the continent, FQM Trident Ltd will employ 700 direct employees and provide supplier opportunities for goods and services to be undertaken through transparent contract offers. FQM Trident Ltd has since identified one… Read full details


United States has its sights set on Congolese mines…
The United States has its sights set on Congolese mines. World power, the country of Joe Biden is aware of the place occupied by the DRC in world geopolitics. In 2019 alone, the DRC provided 71% of the world’s cobalt production (100,000 tons out of 140,000). This ore is essential for the manufacture of batteries for smartphones or electric cars. The Congolese extractive sector contributes over 70%… Read full details

Councils have reported having serious challenges collecting land rates and other levies from mining companies…
Despite copper prices and other minerals mined enjoying excellent international prices and Zambia having over eight (8) large scale copper mines, local authorities mostly known as councils have reported having serious challenges collecting land rates and other levies from mining companies. Most council officials and contacts spoken to have indicated that… Read full details

First six months to 6,241 tonnes of tin for the year 2022…
The mining company Alphamin produced a volume of 3,180 tonnes of tin in the second quarter of 2022. This information comes from the operational and financial report published at the end of last July, specifying that this brings the production of the first six months to 6,241 tonnes. of the year 2022. On analysis, this performance represents an increase of 4% quarter on quarter. This puts Alphamin … Read full details


Just in case you haven’t received your free digital copy of the CKM eMagazine. Kindly download your free copy NOW! The CKM eMagazine is massively distributed for free in PDF format with over 20,000 downloads per edition… Read full details

A ton of tin should trade at 25,533.75 USD this week against 25,200.00 USD last week, a price increase of around 333.75 USD…
On the stock market, the price per ton of tin fell to 24,850.00 US dollars last Friday, August 12, 2022. In the latest report published by the National Mercurial Commission, experts from the DRC’s Ministry of Foreign Trade instead indicated that the ton of tin should trade at 25,533.75 USD this week against 25,200.00 USD last week, i.e. a price increase of around 333.75 USD. According to the same… Read full details
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