CNPAV Backs Court of Auditors' Investigation into IGF-Gécamines File 1Mining in DRC Mining Policy 

CNPAV Backs Court of Auditors’ Investigation into IGF-Gécamines File

The Congo is Not for Sale consortium (CNPAV) has expressed its full support for the recent initiative by the Court of Auditors to summon Mr. Jules Alingete, Chief Inspector of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), regarding the “consultancy” file with Gécamines.

This action marks a significant step towards enhancing transparency and integrity in managing public affairs in the country.

According to the Court of Auditors’ report, the IGF’s 90-day control mission was transformed into a training mission for Gécamines agents and executives, costing $750,000 for services from November 2023 to February 2024.

How can the IGF conduct such an exercise with its subject during a control mission?

It’s essential to remember that the training of public service agents in public procurement is the responsibility of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP), as per Article 10 of Decree No. 10/21 of June 2, 2010. The IGF’s involvement in such activities violates existing regulations in the DRC.

CNPAV also points out that these services fall outside the IGF’s responsibilities, as defined by Ordinance No. 20/137-b of September 24, 2020, which amends Ordinance No. 87-323 of September 15, 1987, establishing the Inspectorate.

After reviewing the situation, CNPAV notes that such services reveal a conflict of interest and constitute a blatant violation of the code of conduct for public officials.

This code prohibits public officials from simultaneously controlling and signing financial advisory contracts with the same entity. According to Article 129 of the 2011 law on public finances, this practice constitutes a “management error” by the Chief Inspector of the IGF. Article 167 of Organic Law No.

18/024 of November 13, 2018, gives the Court of Auditors jurisdiction over this matter. Additionally, Article 180 of the DRC Constitution grants it broad authority over judicial control of public finances.

Thus, the Court of Auditors is competent to hear Mr. Alingete and other Inspectors involved in this case and to present themselves to the Court of Auditors.

Congo is Not for Sale urges them to respond to the Attorney General’s summons at the Court of Auditors on today Thursday, July 18. Accountability and rigorous auditing of public institutions are crucial for building citizens’ trust in their leaders and ensuring efficient use of national resources.

Congo is Not for Sale commends the Court of Auditors for demonstrating that no one is above the law and affirms its determination to act in the Congolese people’s interest, beyond individual or political influences. Respect for legal institutions and procedures is essential for consolidating the rule of law in the DRC.

Congo is Not for Sale emphasizes the importance of allowing this institution to carry out its mandate without interference or pressure.

The organization has, therefore, invited all political, economic, and social actors to cooperate fully with the investigations and procedures of the Court of Auditors.


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