Cobalt Institute Meets with Deputy Minister of Mines for Honest Engagement 1Mining in DRC Environment Social Governance (ESG) Mining Policy 

Cobalt Institute Meets with Deputy Minister of Mines for Honest Engagement

The Cobalt Institute aims for a win-win partnership in the exploitation of Cobalt in the Democratic Republic of Congo mines. The importance of honest engagement with all stakeholders in the Cobalt sector was discussed during a meeting on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at the office of the Minister of Mines, Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi. The Deputy Minister of Mines, Godard Motemona, met with the delegation from the Cobalt Institute.

According to Marina Demidova, the head of the delegation, the discussions aimed to establish a win-win partnership between the DRC and the partners in the Cobalt value chain for stability in the sector in the DRC. She stated, “Our discussions focused on the commitment of stakeholders involved in the Cobalt chain to achieve a win-win partnership with the government through the Ministry of Mines, facilitated by the Cobalt Institute.”

She added, “The goal is to ensure that the metal from the Democratic Republic of Congo benefits the Congolese people.”

Deputy Minister of Mines, Godard Motemona, reassured his guests of the government’s willingness, through the Ministry of Mines, to engage in this approach so that Congolese minerals benefit the people.

It should be noted that the Cobalt Institute invited Minister of Mines, Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi, to participate in the conference that will be held in Istanbul, Turkey in May.


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