Concerns Mount Over Mining Expansion in DRC’s Okapi Wildlife Reserve
The burgeoning presence of artisanal and semi-industrial mining activities within the Okapi Wildlife Reserve (RFO) in Mambasa, located in the Bunia territory of Ituri province, has become a focal point for conservationists responsible for safeguarding this protected area of the Congolese state. Officials have pointed fingers at Chinese individuals as the primary instigators behind these practices.
Albert Walaga, the manager of the reserve, expressed urgent concerns about the exploitation occurring within the reserve, attributing it to Chinese nationals. He emphasized the need for prompt action from all stakeholders to address the situation effectively.
Renowned for its rich biodiversity and diverse wildlife, the RFO initiated various action programs in 2022, including strategic orientations and protection measures such as ground patrols by eco-guards to deter illegal activities within this UNESCO World Heritage site.
Notably, during discussions in February regarding the escalating mining activities in the region, provincial and national authorities were urged to revoke mining licenses granted within the Okapi Wildlife Reserve, underscoring the critical need for preservation efforts.