Deep-South to start soil sampling at three Zambian Copperbelt prospects 1Mining in Zambia Exploration 

Deep-South to start soil sampling at three Zambian Copperbelt prospects

Copper explorer and developer Deep-South Resources is undertaking exploration work at its three newly-acquired large-scale copper exploration licences in the centre of the Zambian Copperbelt, one of the most prolific copper belts in the world.

On July 6, Deep-South closed an option agreement to acquire up to an 80% undivided interest in the three licences, where it plans to undertake 3 627 geochemical soil samples with the aim to identify anomalies and define drilling targets.

In addition, Deep-South filed with the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (Zema) project environmental briefs for each licence, on July 21. The company is awaiting Zema’s approval before it starts sampling programmes on the licences.

Nonetheless, Deep-South appointed a sampling contractor on October 18, thereby enabling it to quickly start work once the Zema approvals are granted.

All three prospects are based on the unconformable contact zone between basement granites and Lower Roan Group sediments where most copper belt mines in both Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are located.

The prospectivity at the 54.24 km2 Luanshya West project (licence 23246) is based on legacy exploration by Teal (a subsidiary of African Rainbow Minerals) between 2007 and 2009 – comprising 850 soil samples and some geophysical data. This has enabled Deep-South to identify at least four large anomalies.

Going forward, Deep-South’s soil sampling programme will comprise 820 soil samples collected in an identical manner to the original Teal sampling programme, whereby Deep-South will use 500 m by 100 m grids. This work is expected to be carried out over 30 days.

The Luanshya West project area is close to established copper and cobalt mines, with the Chibuluma mine about 35 km to the northeast, the Chambishi mine 41 km north-northeast, the N’changa mine 53 km north-northwest and the Luanshya mine about 40 km east-southeast from the centre of the project area.

Deep-South notes that historical geophysical survey and sampling results demonstrate potential to classify the Luanshya West project as one of merit. However, the company says prospecting at the site is still too speculative and, therefore, a National Instrument 43-101-compliant resource estimation will not yet be conducted.

The Chililabombwe prospect (licence 23247) is situated in the north of the Zambia Copperbelt near the DRC border and covers 22.5 km2.

The Chililabombwe programme consists of 132 soil samples, particularly on termite mounds, on a grid of 500 m by 100 m grid, designed to search for copper anomalies using a soil-geochemistry survey.

Soil sampling at the 675 km2 Mpongwe prospect (licence 23248) will comprise 2 675 soil samples on a grid of 500 m by 100 m to search for copper anomalies using a soil-geochemistry survey.

Source; Mining weekly


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