DRC: Antoinette N'Samba briefed on significant progress in Barrick Gold's mining activities 1Mining in DRC Gold Mining Companies 

DRC: Antoinette N’Samba briefed on significant progress in Barrick Gold’s mining activities

The National Minister of Mines, Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi, spoke on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, in her office, with three senior executives from the mining company Barrick Gold Corporation.

On the menu of their discussions, the report on the significant advances of this mining giant.

This delegation was led by its Director of Operations for the Africa and Middle East region, Willem Jacobs.

Cyril Mutombo, Country Director of Barrick Gold Corporation in DRC as well as Sebastian Bock, Senior Vice President CFO of Barrick Gold Corporation were part of the delegation.

According to Cyrille Mutombo, the delegation presented to the Minister of Mines the report on the significant progress made in relation to production in terms of safety, hygiene and investment in favor of the surrounding community. .

“ It is our custom to report to the responsible Minister on our activities. This from the point of view of advancing production, safety and hygiene at work and also the investment in the surrounding community mid-term of our annual exercise , ”he said.

In addition, he pointed out that the mining company Barrick Gold continues to do great works in the sectors of education, agriculture, health, infrastructure and others.

The Minister of Mines, Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi, encouraged the executives of this mining company to continue in this momentum for the development of the Democratic Republic of Congo in all sectors of national life.

Regarding the Environment sector, the Country Director of Barrick Gold indicated that this mining company has signed a partnership with the Garamba National Park as part of a protection and anti-poaching program in order to to safeguard the species of this internationally renowned National Park.

About Barrick Gold

It should be remembered that Kibali, a subsidiary of Barrick, has already invested $ 2.7 billion in the economy of the DRC.

It is based in the Haut-Uélé province where it mines for gold.

For a decade, it has contributed to the development of the socio-economic conditions of the populations in this part of the country.

Regarding its staff, it employs, to date, 4,108 (71%) of national subcontractors, 887 (15%) of Congolese personnel and 265 (5%) of national day laborers.

For expatriates, it employs 198 (3%) expatriate staff and 301 (5%) expatriate subcontractors.

Of all this workforce, the female staff directly dependent on Kibali represents 6% but if we consider the whole mine, their number covers 4%.

Several of his achievements in the context of social responsibility have contributed to the development of this region of the Haut-Uélé province.


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