DRC: It is unacceptable that Gertler is treated as a savior when he is sanctioned abroad 1Mining in DRC Oil & Gas 

DRC: It is unacceptable that Gertler is treated as a savior when he is sanctioned abroad

The DRC has definitively recovered its titles, licenses and mining and oil permits from Dan Gertler’s Ventora Group. The whole having a value of more than 2 billion USD. Brian Nelson, the US Treasury Department’s undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, is in Kinshasa. He discussed with the Congolese authorities as well as with civil society actors. Jean-Claude MPUTU, spokesperson for CNPAV, was also received. He is a guest of Transparency.

– After the agreement signed between the government and Dan Gertler, if you have a request to make regarding Felix Tshisekedi. What would it be?

-What future for Dan Gertler and his business in the Congo?

-And the fate of the Yabiso project?

-After Dan Gertler, Alain Goetz was sanctioned.

Who’s next ?

– And today, according to you, what assessment of the current power on the fight against money laundering?


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