DRC Mines Minister Visits Tenke Fungurume to Inspect Development Projects 1Mining in DRC Cobalt Copper 

DRC Mines Minister Visits Tenke Fungurume to Inspect Development Projects

On Saturday, August 17, Minister of Mines Kizito Pakapomba arrived in Fungurume and was warmly received at Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM) Airport by CEO Wang Hanyuan, along with other senior management members and state representatives.

The delegation, including Gécamines Deputy General Manager and other government officials, gathered at the foot of the plane to welcome the minister.

The visit commenced with an overview of the 30K factory, TFM’s latest facility, which is expected to significantly boost copper and cobalt production once it reaches full capacity.

The minister then visited the new Fungurume morgue, a facility with a 24-body capacity that will serve the local population and alleviate congestion at the existing morgue. This morgue is part of a broader development plan that includes a 200-bed general reference hospital funded by TFM.

After a private meeting with the CEO, Minister Pakapomba continued his inspection of TFM-funded projects in Tenke, including the electrification and road asphalting initiatives.

These efforts reflect the minister’s commitment to engaging with mining communities and ensuring that operations contribute positively to local development.

As a reminder, TFM is a major copper and cobalt producer in the DRC, operating as a joint venture between Gécamines (20%) and CMOC (80%). In 2023, TFM produced 280,297 tonnes of copper and 21,592 tonnes of cobalt.


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