DRC Minister of Mines Advocates for Sustainable and Diversified Resource Exploitation in Isiro 1Mining in DRC 

DRC Minister of Mines Advocates for Sustainable and Diversified Resource Exploitation in Isiro

As part of a mission to Isiro in Haut-Uélé, Minister of Mines Kizito Pakabomba aimed to make a lasting impact. During his first official visit to this region, Minister Pakabomba emphasized the importance of responsibly exploiting natural resources, convincing local populations of the need for sustainable practices.

Warmly welcomed by the jubilant local community, Minister Pakabomba expressed his commitment to a sustainable mining sector.

This visit marks a significant turning point, reflecting his dedication to transforming the mining industry into a catalyst for sustainable development across the Congolese economy.

Joined by Haut-Uélé Governor Jean Bakomito Gambu, Minister Pakabomba and his delegation held brief discussions with provincial officials on critical issues in the Governorate meeting room.

The Minister also paid respects at the tombs of Blessed Anuarite and Mgr Julien Andavo at the Catholic Cathedral of Isiro before meeting various socio-professional and political leaders of Haut-Uélé.

In his efforts to diversify the economy, Minister Pakabomba visited a coffee plantation, highlighting the region’s potential to reclaim its historical title as the capital of green gold.

He emphasized the importance of investing in agriculture to diversify the economy and ensure food security. “Land enriched by post-mining soil rehabilitation techniques can become productive agricultural land, creating jobs and opportunities for our rural communities,” he stated.

The partnership between Haut-Uélé province and mining companies Kibali Gold Mines and Barrick in agriculture was praised during his visit to the Uele Coffee Farm.

Minister Pakabomba expressed his support for initiatives that allow local populations to grow coffee, transforming “yellow gold” into “green gold.” He declared, “These initiatives must be encouraged, as they show the population that this transformation is a reality.”

The Ministry of Mines is dedicated to promoting the diversification of the Congolese economy, heavily reliant on raw materials, aligning with President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo’s vision for his second five-year term.

By implementing the Government’s program, the Ministry is actively working to achieve the President’s six major commitments.

Governor Bakomito stressed the long-term value of agriculture over mining, noting that mining resources are finite. The Minister also visited the facilities of the Kibali mining company’s Representative Office and the Haut-Uélé Provincial Division of Mines before heading to Watsa territory.

This visit to Isiro in Haut-Uélé underscored the importance of responsible mining, which not only generates revenue for the nation but also contributes to the sustainable development and prosperity of local communities.


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