felix tshisekedi Gecamines 111Mining in DRC Environment Social Governance (ESG) 

DRC President summons mining companies to respect commitments made in the specifications of local communities

Following a mission to assess the obligations arising from the social and environmental responsibility of mining companies operating in the provinces of Haut-Katanga and Lualaba, the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi, noted, during the Council of ministers of July 7, that the mining companies did not respect certain commitments made in the specifications in accordance with article 285 septies of the Mining Code, paragraph 4, on which the evaluation mission was based.

“As part of sustainable development actions in favor of local communities impacted by mining projects, it has been observed not only the considerable delay in the development of specifications by certain mining companies, but also the non-compliance with the timetables. activities by mining companies whose specifications have been approved by the competent authority. 

This behavior has a negative impact on the social actions to be carried out by these companies in favor of local communities”, reports the report of the Council of Ministers.

In view of the delay experienced by the companies concerned in drawing up the specifications and the execution of the approved timetables of activities, the President of the Republic instructed the Minister of Mines to invite all the mining companies, already in phase of production, to fulfill this legal obligation as soon as possible and, if not, to take appropriate sanctions to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations.


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