DRC: with a production of 78.2 million carats, diamond exports generated 1.077 billion USD between 2015 and 2019

For the period between 2015 and 2019, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) produced more than 78,216,600.47 million carats of diamonds.

As indicated in the statistical yearbook of the Ministry of Mines, this production generated more than 1,017,877,825.81 billion US dollars.

According to these data from the statistical directory, this production estimated at 78.2 million carats is distributed as follows:

• In 2015, diamond production stood at 15,753,487.33 million carats, for an export of approximately 15,789,209.09 million carats for revenue of US$231,078,056.83 million.

This production will experience a slight decrease in 2016 to settle at 15,559,447.19 million carats for an export of 14,746,354.23 million carats which generated 64,134,822.00 million USD.

The year 2017 will be the best in terms of production with an increase from 15,559,447.19 million carats of diamonds in 2016 to 18,902,763.56 million carats, i.e. an increase in production of around 3,343,316. .37 million carats of diamonds.

In the same year, the export volume even reached 17,924,982.26 million carats.

Although production and exports were on the rise, the revenue generated decreased during 2017 to USD 207,419,267.10 million.

This production will fall further in 2015 to return to 15,131,209.75 million carats.

Of this production, 15,635,447.46 million carats were exported to the international market which generated revenues of US$188,483,063.00 million.

And finally, the Democratic Republic of Congo will record its lowest diamond production in the last five (5) years.

According to this report, in 2019 the country achieved a production of 13,469,698.64 million carats for revenues estimated at 161,598,384.00 million US dollars.

The soil and subsoil of the Democratic Republic of Congo are full of mineral substances known in the world, ten of which are really highlighted. These are mainly diamond, copper, cobalt, gold, manganese, zinc, cassiterite, colombo-tantalite (coltan), wolframite,
niobium, and germanium.

The exploitation of these substances is ensured by public, private or mixed mining companies in production
industrial, semi-industrial production and by artisanal miners.

Despite several difficulties it is experiencing, mining in the DRC still remains the spearhead of the national economy by the height of its participation in the GDP.

Exports of mining products represent a large share of the total value of exports from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).


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