DRC's Kibali Records 9 Impressive Achievements in Q2-2023 1Mining in DRC Gold 

DRC’s Kibali Records 9 Impressive Achievements in Q2-2023

Mining company Kibali regularly reports on its achievements after each quarter.

During a press conference held on July 5, 2023, Mark Bristow, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kibali, spoke about the achievements of this mining giant specializing in the exploitation in the second quarter of the year 2023.

Here are Kibali Gold Mines Top 9 Achievements in Q2-2023:

1° Kibali is on track to meet year-end production targets;

2° 16 white rhinos successfully reintroduced in Garamba National Park;

3° 16 MW solar power plant project on track: site location finalized and ESIA in progress to increase renewable energy supply from 79% to 88% with possibility to run on 100% energy renewable during the rainy season;

4° In line with the “Zero-incident” objective, Kibali has made the transition to Bogging Multilite to replace the traditional underground visibility network;

5° Kibali is certain to maintain its tier one status and replace depleted reserves by launching new operations in 2023 from the extension axis of the 3000 and 5000 veins and developing the ramp on the 11000 vein with the possibility of adding other conversions;

6° Exploration continues with framework drilling on key prospective structural corridors providing geological architecture between KCD, Kombokolo and Gorumbwa;

7° The Specifications officially launched 11 projects in 2023. This constitutes an investment of 8.9 million dollars planned over five years;

8° Beginning of the execution of community development projects within the framework of the Community Development Fund financed by the endowment of 0.3% of turnover;

9° The charitable organization “Nos Vies en Partage” contributes to making donations for the reduction of poverty and the promotion of education; primary health care and food security for women and children across the African continent; in addition to Barrick’s sustainability program.


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