Drone system assisting miners to free space across sites 1Equipment & Technology 

Drone system assisting miners to free space across sites

The application and adaptation of military technology at resources sites has the potential to create operational efficiencies and safer environments. 

Freespace Operations is a Victorian based company that began designing and manufacturing innovative drone systems for the defence sector and is now providing similar systems to industry. 

The company recently customised its technology to address some of the challenges associated with modern mining, resulting in the production of the Callisto Modular Industrial Multirotor.  

The Callisto is an autonomous modular and multipurpose industrial drone with benefits for the resources sector including increased productivity and worker safety. 

According to Freespace Operations Managing Director Ken King, the Callisto is a game-changer for the resources sector. 

“The Callisto was designed from the ground up to be an industrial system prioritising function over form. It’s overall levels of performance and capability exceed all other comparable systems currently available.”

Mr King says the Callisto completes aerial surveying using advanced LiDAR sensor technologies previously only available with manned aviation, deliver cargo across sites and lift product out of mines autonomously. 

“The result is increased productivity because tasks can be completed quicker, with precision repeatability and without the need to place people in risky environments.” 

According to Mr King, the drone system offers most benefit at sites that are remote and face logistical challenges like poor weather, undulating topography, dense vegetation and poor access. 

“The Callisto has been designed for typical mine sites so safety, durability and serviceability are built into the system.” 

“At IMARC Online we’ll be demonstrating the Callisto to companies that undertake LiDAR aerial surveying and require long-range cargo delivery.” 

The Callisto Modular Industrial Multirotor is a practical example of how Victorian METS companies are helping the resources sector to evolve their day-to-day operations.  

Freespace Operations is one of the many Victorian based METS companies using IMARC to expand its global footprint. 

You can find out more about the Callisto at the Victorian Government’s virtual booth at the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) Online which is on now until the 27th of November 2020. 

source: Mining Review Africa


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