Epiroc reveals resin system for underground rock bolting 1Equipment & Technology International Mining technology 

Epiroc reveals resin system for underground rock bolting

Sweden’s Epiroc has developed a resin system for than be used to install long-term rock bolts in poor rock conditions.

Epiroc said its system can addresses the underground rock bolting that often becomes a bottleneck within the drill and blast cycle.

The system was developed in partnership with Swedish iron ore miner LKAB under the key Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems (SIMS) project.

Blocky or friable ground often leaves drilled bolt holes blocked or partially blocked. This slows down, or in the worst case, prevents the introduction of bonding agents such as cement grout or resin cartridges into the bolt hole. The Epiroc and LKAB solution will allow a faster, more reliable and cost effective bolting alternative for long term rock reinforcement in difficult ground conditions. 

“An important factor to achieve a workable rock reinforcement solution is to have a system where the bolt design, bonding agent and bolting rig all work together to provide a robust and reliable bolt installation”, says Peter Bray, Global Product Manager, Epiroc. “To this end, Epiroc has worked hand in hand with a leading bolt and chemical supplier to create a bolting system that addressed the issues faced with long term bolting in poor ground conditions”, continues Bray.

The result of this work is an integrated pumpable two-component resin system that can be used with a Self-Drilling Anchor (SDA) style bolt in tougher ground conditions or alternately with a two-step hollow bolt in more moderate ground conditions.

“Having the ability to choose a long-term rock bolt that suits the ground conditions means that customers are able to achieve an optimal rock reinforcement regime in terms of function and budget,” said Peter Bray, Global Product Manager, Epiroc.

The integrated pumpable resin system from Epiroc is designed to be used on the mechanized bolting machines Boltec M and Boltec E models.


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