Ex-Anglo CEO appointed to Glencore board 1International Mining Personality 

Ex-Anglo CEO appointed to Glencore board

Cynthia Carroll, the former CEO of Anglo American, has been appointed to the board of diversified mining and marketing company Glencore.

Carroll would join the board with immediate effect and would serve as a non executive director, the Swiss-based group announced on Tuesday.

“The directors are very pleased to welcome Cynthia Carroll to our board. She has extensive knowledge of the resources industry, as well as strong nonexecutive director experience,” said chairperson Tony Hayward.

Carroll has more than 30 years’ experience in the resources sector. She began her career as an exploration geologist at Amoco before joining Alcan. She held various executive roles there culminating in being CEO of the Primary Metal Group, Alcan’s core business. From 2007 to 2013, she served as CEO of Anglo American.

Carroll is currently a non executive director of Hitachi, Baker Hughes Company Pembina Pipeline


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