FBN UK, ABSA, and AFC Partner to Boost DRC's Global Copper Market Position with Kamoa Mine Financing 1Mining in DRC Copper Economy 

FBN UK, ABSA, and AFC Partner to Boost DRC’s Global Copper Market Position with Kamoa Mine Financing

A new strategic partnership has been formed for the syndication financing of the Kamoa mine, involving FBN UK, ABSA, and Africa Finance Corporation (AFC). This partnership aims to strengthen the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) position in the global copper market.

Mustafa Rawji, CEO of Rawbank, commented, “AFC is a benchmark institution in Africa. We are proud to have them as partners in creating a Congolese copper champion.”

The Kamoa-Kakula copper complex, recognized for its high performance and low carbon footprint, will benefit from this financing to expand its production capacity and support the ecological transition through the production of power cables.

This project is a model of sustainable development and social responsibility, generating local jobs and contributing significantly to the DRC’s economy.

With AFC’s involvement, this partnership is committed to promoting sustainable economic growth and positioning Africa as a leader in the global mining industry.


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