FQM’s Enterprise Nickel Mine to provide transparent supplier opportunities for goods and services
Following the commissioning of the Enterprise Nickel Mine which will position Zambia among the top 10 producers of nickel in the world, and the number one producer of the metal on the continent, FQM Trident Ltd will employ 700 direct employees and provide supplier opportunities for goods and services to be undertaken through transparent contract offers.
FQM Trident Ltd has since identified one such project which is to construct a bridge along the main road leading to the Enterprise Nickel Mine. The bridge is meant to protect pipes that have already been laid along the road from damage by vehicles. To this effect, the Mine opened the tender to the public by floating it on Musele Chamber of Commerce and North-Western Chambers for local suppliers to participate.
42 companies from around the country that expressed interest to participate in the tender were invited for a site visit to appreciate the details of the project and have since been invited to send through their bids for the tender to construct the bridge.