Gécamines produced 15,288 tonnes of copper and 100 tonnes of cobalt by the end of August 2020- DRC 1Mining in DRC Cobalt Copper 

Gécamines produced 15,288 tonnes of copper and 100 tonnes of cobalt by the end of August 2020- DRC

La Générale des Carrières et des Mines (Gécamines) had in the first 8 months of 2020 produced 15,288 tonnes of copper and 100 tonnes of cobalt against 12,858 tonnes of copper and 101 tonnes of cobalt in the same period in 2019, according to the Central Bank of Congo.

The mining industry of the Democratic Republic of the Congo produced 1,041,445 tonnes of copper at the end of August 2020 against 919,937 tonnes at the same period in 2019, i.e. production up 13.2%, says the Central Bank. of the Congo in its Digest of statistical information n ° 37.

In this volume of production, the partners of Gécamines and other mining companies alone produced 1,026,157 tonnes of copper, or 98.53% of the production achieved during the first 8 months of the year.

In 2019, the DRC produced 1,420,386 tonnes of copper for the whole year, a record for the past two decades. And in the same year, Gécamines produced 21,166 tonnes of copper and 172 tonnes of cobalt.


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