Gécamines Reinforces Corporate Governance and Operational Excellence through Training 1Mining in DRC 

Gécamines Reinforces Corporate Governance and Operational Excellence through Training

Générale des Carrières et des Mines (Gécamines), a state-owned mining company, continues to demonstrate its commitment to operational excellence and effective corporate governance.

As part of this ongoing effort, Gécamines organized a three-day training session for 229 agents in Lubumbashi, the capital of Haut-Katanga.

Following a similar session held in February 2024, the objective of the recent meetings, which took place from June 26 to 28, 2024, at the Pullman Hotel, was to equip agents with essential legal, financial, and organizational knowledge necessary for their roles.

“The primary goal of this training session was to provide agents with the tools, knowledge, and guidelines needed to uphold the core values of Gécamines: integrity, sustainability, and innovation,” stated Director General Placide Nkala Basadilua, who addressed the participants via videoconference.

Participants included directors, members of management committees of joint ventures and subsidiaries, as well as members of the lease monitoring committee. They benefited from the expertise of renowned professionals from law firms ASAFO & CO and MAZARS.

“In most of Gécamines SA’s partnerships, the company holds a minority stake, with exceptions like STL and EGC where Gécamines SA owns the entire capital,” noted Guillaume Escop of ASAFO & CO. “As a minority shareholder, Gécamines SA has four key rights: financial, political, informational, and legal,” he emphasized in his presentation.

Over the three days, participants examined the challenges they face in fulfilling their duties and proposed concrete solutions to address these issues.

They were also encouraged to play a proactive role in defending Gécamines’ interests in its partnerships to maximize revenues for the Congolese state, its sole shareholder.

This training session is part of Gécamines’ broader efforts to strengthen internal capacities and promote world-class corporate governance.

According to Gécamines’ communications unit, these training sessions underscore the company’s dedication to achieving excellence across all its activities.

Additionally, they align perfectly with the vision of President Félix Tshisekedi Tshilombo, who aims to enhance the contribution of mining sector companies to the development of a united, strong, and prosperous Congo.

By strengthening the capacities of its agents, Gécamines is committed to playing a pivotal role in realizing this ambitious vision, ensuring that the country’s mineral resources benefit local populations through exemplary corporate governance.


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