Glencore supports World Day against Child Labour 1Mining in DRC Artisanal mining Copper Corporate social responsibility 

Glencore supports World Day against Child Labour

Glencore recognises the ILO-sanctioned World Day Against Child Labour and its theme ‘Social Justice for All. End Child Labour’.

With two industrial copper cobalt assets in the DRC, Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) and Mutanda Mining (MUMI), Glencore operates in a geography that is faced with child labour issues associated with artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM).

While KCC and MUMI do not process, buy or trade ASM material, Glencore believes that ASM can play an important and sustainable role in the DRC economy when carried out responsibly and transparently.

The company, in partnership with others, is working to address the socio-economic root causes that lead to child labour through education programmes and sustainable livelihood programmes.

“Glencore does not tolerate any form of child labour, any form of forced, compulsory or bonded labour, human trafficking, or any other form of slavery.

We recognize that child labour is an issue that is prevalent in the DRC, and we want to be part of the solution by direct support through targeted social investment and by supporting industry efforts to tackle the underlying causes,” says Clint Donkin, Head of Glencore Copper Africa.

To this end, Glencore has supported and undertaken the construction of new schools and academic institutions, modernised others and donated teaching materials and equipment supporting teacher development programmes.

In addition, Glencore provides summer camp activities in the Lualaba province during school holidays, providing children with learning materials, toys, daily meals, and school kits.

The company supports enterprise development initiatives that offer alternative, sustainable livelihoods such as agriculture and farming, sewing and carpentry.

It works with local NGOs and churches to deliver the holiday camps to offer learning opportunities and keep children from participating in ASM activities.

Donkin adds, “By helping confront the socio-economic root causes of child labour and offering children today better opportunities from academic education to skills development, we can support our host communities in diversifying their economies.”

Glencore is a founding member of the Fair Cobalt Alliance (FCA), which brings together supply chain actors and stakeholders to drive the development of fair cobalt by supporting the professionalization of ASM site management: Making artisanal mines safer, minimizing their environmental impact, and creating dignified working conditions for men and women working at the artisanal mines. The FCA is working to positively transform ASM in the DRC and contribute towards eliminating child labor.


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