Haut-Katanga: KICO launches this Tuesday, August 23, the construction work of mining infrastructure 1Mining in DRC 

Haut-Katanga: KICO launches this Tuesday, August 23, the construction work of mining infrastructure

The company Kipushi Corporation (KICO) proceeds this Tuesday, August 23 in the territory of Kipushi in the province of Haut-Katanga in the Democratic Republic of Congo, to the launch of the construction of the surface mining infrastructure of the Kipushi project. 
This ceremony comes a few months after the signing at the beginning of 2022, of a new agreement between KICO and its shareholders including Gécamines SA and Kipushi Holding Ltd. 
Through this ceremony, KICO has set itself the goal of starting the production of zinc concentrates from the second quarter of 2024. 
The Kipushi project is based on the high-grade zinc-copper mine in the Central African belt. 

With this project, Kipushi will be the face mine with the highest zinc content in the world, with an average zinc content of 36.4% in the first five years.

This project produced about 60 million tons for a zinc terror of 11% and 7% copper between 1924 and 1993. In addition, it produced 12,673 tons of lead and about 278 tons of germanium between 1966 and 1978.


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