KCM Digital Justice DRCGovernance Mining in DRC 

Implementation of the Digital Justice Project to strengthen the rule of law and fight against corruption in DRC

The 46th meeting of the Council of Ministers, held on Friday August 28, announces a digital justice project for the strengthening of the rule of law through the modernization of justice in order to carry out the fight against anti- values ​​initiated since the beginning of this year. 

The report of the Council of Ministers indicates that software which facilitates the training and upgrading of the country’s magistrates has been set up with the assistance of France.

“It is in this context that, thanks to cooperation with France, a group of Experts (renowned magistrates and computer engineers) created software that facilitates the training and upgrading of magistrates in the DRC”, he informs.

The major axis of this training will consist in the selection of “precursors” who will be equipped with computers integrating the various texts in force in the DRC and new software adapted to Congolese law after having benefited from intensive and accelerated training.

During the month of September 2020, a conference will be organized in Kinshasa to present the project, its implications and thus propel this project which is likely to participate in the fight against corruption while ensuring consistency and the means of action of strengthening of the Rule of Law.


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