Kamoto Copper MineMining in DRC Copper 

Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) to produce 270,000 tonnes of copper this year

Mark Davis, Chief Executive Officer / Executive Director of Katanga Mining Ltd, a subsidiary of Glencore, was received by Sylvestre Ilunga Ilunkamba on Tuesday. The two men took stock of the activities of this mining company in the DRC. He also presented promising prospects for his company in the coming days.

“We are happy with our operations in the DRC, (Kamoto Copper Company) KCC is reaching its maximum production and we are very proud of it. Mutanda Mining, which is still in the maintenance and maintenance phase, is studying the different ways in which it will resume its activities. For KCC we hope to produce 270,000 tonnes for this year and for cobalt 25,000 tonnes, ”he said.

The two men are convinced of the importance of Glencore’s activity in the Congolese mining sector.

“As president of the Glencore group for copper in Africa, it is always a pleasure to meet the Prime Minister and give him an update on our activities here in the DRC. It’s been six months now, with COVID 19, it didn’t allow me to come here, it was important for me to meet the Prime Minister. The discussions were productive. It is always very important to meet the Prime Minister. He sees it as a good partnership ”.

In the DRC, Glencore operates mainly through its two main subsidiaries Mutanda Mining (MUMI) and Kamoto Copper Company SA (KCC). Since 2009, Glencore estimates its investments in these two subsidiaries at 6.657 billion USD. The mining group paid 1.7 billion USD in taxes. Between 2009 and 2018, Glencore produced 2.23 million tonnes of copper and 159,400 tonnes of cobalt, through its two subsidiaries. The two mines provide employment for nearly 16,000 workers and entrepreneurs with benefits and salaries totaling $ 680 million between 2016 and 2018. Likewise, the company says it invested $ 24 million in community projects between 2016 and 2018. 2018.


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