KCM's Nampundwe Mine Relaunch Key to Sustaining Zambia's Copper Operations 1Mining in Zambia Copper 

KCM’s Nampundwe Mine Relaunch Key to Sustaining Zambia’s Copper Operations

Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) Chief Operating Officer Malcolm Mewett underscored the importance of Nampundwe Mine in ensuring the company’s profitability, emphasizing that without pyrite production from this mine, KCM’s operations are not sustainable.

Speaking at the relaunch of Nampundwe Mine last week, Mewett stressed the need for modernization and increased output to secure the mine’s future.

“Nampundwe is crucial for producing pyrite, which is essential for running the Nchanga Smelter. Without pyrite, our smelter cannot function, and without the smelter, KCM cannot remain profitable. Over the next 12 months, we will focus on upgrading the mine and maximizing its potential,” he explained.

Mewett also encouraged expanding the pyrite supply chain to other African markets, stating, “We should aim to supply pyrite not just to Nchanga Smelter, but to other smelters across Africa.”

As operations resume, Mewett highlighted the importance of safety, urging employees and business partners to prioritize it amidst production targets. “Safety must come first. No task is worth risking your life,” he advised.

He also expressed gratitude to the workforce and unions for their support during KCM’s liquidation and court challenges, expressing optimism about the company’s future.

Chief Financial Officer Manish Saxena echoed this optimism, setting a production target of 243,000 tonnes of pyrite for the 2025 financial year. “With teamwork, we can achieve this goal and build a brighter future for KCM,” Saxena said.

Union representative Martha Phiri praised the reopening as a testament to collaboration, reiterating a commitment to mutual respect and constructive dialogue to secure the future of KCM and its stakeholders.


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